I.IX Camp Half Blood

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Dionysus materialized back into the big house, startling Chiron. The scent of wine and figs clung to their clothing as they stepped forward.

"Oh, good your back," said Chiron, a centaur with a wise, weathered face. "Victoria if you would prepare a bed in cabin eleven."

"That will not be necessary," interrupted Dionysus, his voice smooth like honey. "He will be staying in cabin eight."

Chiron looked surprised. "Are you sure?"

"Yes," affirmed Dionysus firmly. "He is the Heir of Artemis; he stays in cabin eight. Chiron, you are to introduce Henry Pots here, as the son of Artemis to the rest of Camp Half-Blood then I will have a few announcements."

Dionysus turned to Chiron. "Make sure the others understand Harry's significance here. We don't want Artemis to go on a rampage because someone decided to harm him. She was very overprotective of him; she even went as far as to threaten everyone if they so much harm him."

Chiron exhaled deeply, leaning against his wooden cane. "I understand, Dionysus. I'll ensure the campers are aware of his position. However, introducing him as the son of Artemis is bound to raise questions. Artemis is a maiden goddess. She does not bear children."

Dionysus took a sip from the diet Coke that appeared magically in his hand. "True, but let's just say that some rules of the universe were bent for young Harry."

Chiron raised an eyebrow. "Bent? By whom?"

Dionysus pursed his lips before taking another sip of Diet Coke. "It was by the Olympian Council," he began slowly as if the words themselves were too heavy for him to bear. He looked away momentarily, gathering himself before continuing.

"Years ago, Artemis was punished and turned into a mortal baby, with her memories erased. During this time, Harry was born from her mortal body and when that body passed on, she searched extensively for him, even enlisting the help of her angels and hunters. After years of searching, she found him at the age of five, in a state far less than ideal. She made him her heir."

Chiron stared at Dionysus, aghast, processing the weight of the information. "You're saying... Artemis was punished by Olympus and turned into a mortal?"

Dionysus looked pensive, swirling the liquid in his glass before replying. "It's a convoluted tale. The details aren't important now. What matters is Harry."

Chiron adjusted his weight, the gravity of the situation evident on his face. "And what of Harry's mortal father?"

Dionysus shrugged. "A simple mortal, unknowing of the gods and their workings. By the time Artemis remembered herself and reclaimed her godhood, he was no longer in the picture. Harry was left in the care of relatives who... didn't care much for him."

A shadow crossed Chiron's eye. "That would explain the trauma I sensed in him. But now that he's in Camp Half-Blood, he will be protected and nurtured. The campers will understand his importance. However," he paused, choosing his words carefully, "there will be whispers. And the other cabins might be curious or even envious of the special treatment."

Dionysus chuckled darkly, "Let them. Harry's position will be clear. As the Heir of Artemis, he is the next in line to take over Artemis' place as an Olympian. He is part god part Nephilim you may know that term better as a Shadowhunter, he is undergoing an immortalization process. He is an extension of Artemis, and I do not mean that by the way looks, but by his personality."

Chiron took a deep breath, processing the revelation. "Part god and part Nephilim? That's an unprecedented combination. The power residing in him must be immense, yet potentially volatile."

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