I.VIII Olympus

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It was a beautiful June 17th morning in 1987, and the sun shone brightly over the Hunters of Artemis camp. Harry Potter and Daphne Greengrass had grown considerably since their five-year-old selves were rescued from the Dursleys two years ago. Harry was now muscular and taller than most six-year-olds, while Daphne had been taken to Camp Half-Blood. Harry has yet to go.

Harry turned to his friend and looked up at her with his shining silver eyes. "Mama, why can't I stay with you?" he asked plaintively.

Artemis kneeled so she could look directly into his face. "Because you need to talk with other children of your age," she explained softly.

Harry sighed reluctantly, understanding that Artemis was right. He knew that if he wanted to live up to his full potential, he had to learn how to use his powers and abilities with the other demigods. But he pouted all the same.

"But I have Daphne; that is all I need," he replied stoically.

Artemis placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and smiled warmly. "I know you feel that way now but trust me when I say there are many more children of gods here who your friends could be and help you learn how to use your gifts."

Harry thought about it for a moment before nodding in agreement. He knew she was right, and he was eager to meet these new people. "Okay, Mama," he said softly before standing up and hugging her goodbye.

"Now go to your tent and pack a few things you will need for camp," said Artemis, as Harry ran inside his tent.

"You know Artemis, for a mother who swore not to have kids then had one anyways, you sure are a great mother," Leto said with a gentle smile across her face.

"Hello mother," Artemis said softly with a hint of surprise in her voice, having not realized her mother was standing nearby. "Thank you for your kind words."

Leto stepped forward, her delicate hands resting on Artemis's shoulders. "Being a mother is not always about giving birth. It's about love, sacrifice, and teaching the young ones to grow. I am proud to see you embrace this role with Harry."

Artemis looked at Leto, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "He's special, Mother. I may have had him as a result of being turned mortal and my memory wiped but I will not trade him for anything."

"What I want to know is why the secrecy, I had to learn about your heir from Apollo, and why did you make him your heir?" asked Leto with genuine curiosity.

Artemis hesitated for a moment, collecting her thoughts. "It's... complicated. You know how my followers and I have always vowed to remain virgins. When Harry came into my life, it wasn't a matter of choice. I was made mortal, my memories wiped clean, and during that time, things happened that led to his birth. I discovered him during my return to godhood."

She sighed deeply, "I decided to keep him a secret because of the possible backlash from the other gods and to protect him. As for making him my heir, Harry possesses powers and abilities that are unique, even for a demigod. His connection to our world, the Wizarding World, and the Shadowhunters is something that hasn't been seen before. He's not just my heir, Mother. He's destined for great things."

Leto looked deep into her daughter's eyes, seeing the fierce love and determination that lay within. "Every child is a gift, even those that come into our lives unexpectedly. Harry has been given to you for a reason, and I trust in your judgment."

Artemis smiled gratefully, feeling the weight of her mother's trust. "Thank you. It hasn't been easy, but with Harry, everything seems worth it."

Leto nodded. "I've seen the bond between you two. It's unique and powerful. I believe Harry will achieve incredible things, especially with you guiding him."

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