58- The Silver of Cast Metal

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"And you must be Videl," says Peter.

"And you're Peter," says Videl, and then turns to Jack, "And you, of course, have to be Jack. Thea does talk about you a lot. You're taller than I thought you'd be."

"Yeah," says Jack, only partially mollified by Videl's mention of Thea, "I don't like you."

"Sorry I scared you," says Videl in a tone that plainly says he's not sorry at all, "Have either of you seen Thea?"

"And you care because?"

Peter hits Jack and then says, "No, we haven't. Why? Isn't she with you?"

Videl's nostrils flare in annoyance. "She was supposed to be. But she decided it was a brilliant idea to go off by herself."

"Of course she did," says Jack in an admiring voice, temporarily forgetting his hatred for Videl.

"You let her go?" demands Peter, giving Jack a look.

"She didn't give me much of a choice," says Videl, crossing his arms. From his shoulder, Wairua flaps his wings. "I'm not sure if you've noticed, but Thea doesn't really like to listen."

"No she does not," says Jack, "And between you and me, it's extremely hot."

Videl snorts.

"Hey," says Angelique, cutting in, "Okay, boys, settle down. Wairua can't locate the three powers anymore-Neidra must have put a spell on them, but Videl and I just got out of some sort of kitchen, and used his creepy mind control on one of the servants."

"Who promptly died right after that. He had a very sassy tongue," says Videl.

She gives him a look much like the one Peter had given Jack.

"The servant said that the 'vaults' are somewhere in the lowest levels of the mansion in a labyrinth of sorts, even lower than the dungeons. There are ten entrances to the labyrinth. Videl and I just came out from one. Apparently, you two also found one."

"Where are the others?" asks Videl, "I thought you were supposed to be a team."

"We are. We split up," says Jack, "Thor was with us, but then went off to knock some people unconscious. It's an important job, you know."

"All right," says Videl, "We can't just expect the four of us to go down there, though. We need backup."

"If you think I'm going to wait here, then you're more mental than you look," says Jack.

Videl rolls his eyes, "And unless you want to die and never see Thea again, you'll wait for at least the word that more people are coming."

"And how are you going to tell everyone it's down here?" demands Jack, "Do you have a walkie-talkie that happens to work in Asgard or something? Or maybe you Velah lot have a special power?"

More amused than annoyed, Videl nods to Wairua, "No. But we have him. He'll find the others, providing that Neidra hasn't warded this entire place, and send them down here."

"And we'll wait," says Peter, "For everyone else to get here."

"Or at least that they're in the same sort of paths that we are. There are ten entrances, remember. Eventually, they all pour out to one large corridor, but we don't know where. We'll start walking, and then wait, and then walk a bit more. Hopefully, we'll get down here before Neidra can find out what we're up to."

"What about Thea?" demands Jack, "Where's she?"

"Wairua can probably find her. She'll be with us soon."

Kidnapped|Book 4|A novel in the Blue Moon series| An Avengers fan fiction series|Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu