Gift Delivered Personally?

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Sunghoon's POV

I start tidying up the play area with Sunoo, all peaceful now it's not occupied with children sighing in relief that another great day is completed.

"Hey Sunghoon" I look back to see Jungwon behind me

"Hey, is Chohee going home now?"

"Yes she's got picked up by Ms Amery and now heading home"

"That's good to hear" I sigh again

"You must be tired" Jungwon picks on

"You can say that" I reply

"Don't you need to head out now"he joins me on the floor putting toys in designated boxes

"Yes but I can stay to tidy up a bit more"

"Wouldn't it be bad if you're late? Don't want Heeseung to be mad"

"I'm sure he won't mind me being a few minutes late or so"

"Oo is that special treatment"

"What no why would you say that?"

"Well from what we've heard from Jay and Niki he can be very strict like 'not a second late' strict"

"Isn't what all CEOs should be though?"

"Just admit that you like him" Sunoo jumps into the conversation "there's no point in denying when you talk about him so much here"

"N-no I don't!!"

"Yes you do" Jungwon agrees

"Ok maybe a little" I admit "but it's not like he's gonna like me back"

Jungwon and Sunoo look at each other and let out a sigh and turn back to me "so you're suppressing your emotions to stay neutral with him? What is this? Some sort of Kdrama?" Sunoo asks

"You'll never know if you don't ask, why are you letting yourself loose a handsome man like that?" Jungwon adds

"I-I don't know!! Why are you guys telling me how I should run my love life!!" I cover my cheeks, feeling them becoming red

"Cause you and Heeseung are made for each other"

"Ah!!I'm going to the company now!!"I stand up and quickly taking my things out of embarrassment and wanting to get out of the situation as quickly as possible heading out of the door "b-bye!!"

No One's POV

Sunghoon got to his office by lunchtime and continues to work though it's his break, thinking he could make up the time he was late till a faint knock on the door echos just enough so Sunghoon could hear.

"Come in!"


"Hey Jay you alright? What do you need?"

"Nothing from me but I saw Heeseung about to knock on your door before you arrived but turned away a while ago" he replies"I guess he didn't know you weren't here so wanna head there with me now?"

"Oh yeah sure"

As we make our way there, we hear a loud shout coming from Heeseung's office. "Guess he's getting mad again"


"Yep, he only wants perfection in people's work but don't worry we'll break the ice" he answers. He grabs the door knob and pushes it open "hey He-"

Jay pauses, feeling he nudged something before opening it all the way. Noises from inside the room bounces of the walls until there's only silence from an aftermath.

"What do you think you're doing!!" Heeseung yells from the inside. Sunghoon couldn't tell whether he's shouting at Jay or the other person in the room.

Sunghoon moves Jay aside a little to check what's going on as he takes notice of the mess on the floor, an angry Heeseung and a woman with an empty container.

"What's going on?"

"Is there a reason for this commotion?" Jay ask looking at the 2

"Um n-no?" The timid woman replies. But of course they both know that wasn't the case. Jay looks over at Heeseung, getting a hint that she somehow pissed him off

"Hmm I see, well you need 2 come with me" he signals to the girl "you've have some explaining to do"

They take their leave as Sunghoon takes his turn in evaluating the situation further. Walking in, he notice of the scattered food now he's taking a close look as he gaze back up to Heeseung who seems to be restricting himself from panting heavily.

"Are you okay? What was happening in here?" He asks in a concern tone

"Nothing..just some misunderstanding" he says immediately calming himself down from his uproar "I'll um...clean up"

"Oh let me help" he approaches the table in the middle of room for the tissue box but it looks like it's still empty from last time he used it "do you have anymore tissue here?"

"Yeah, they're in a draw behind my desk" Heeseung replies as he picks up bits of food into his hand "you can open it"

Sunghoon goes behind the desk to open draw. But not only did he find a new box of tissues but also a box that looks identical to the woman was holding a minute ago "Mr Lee, isn't this similar to the earlier?"

Heeseung looks up with panic in his eyes trying to come up with an excuse. "I-I umm t-that's" he stutters

"Is this your lunch sir?"

He jumbles his words until he gives up throwing what was in his hand in the bin and standing up "no, I...i-it's be for you"

"Me!?" Sunghoon cheeks start to become red once more "may I open it?"

"Mhm" he says with a small nod

Sunghoon opens the box seeing some of the bits and pieces out of place. He picks up a piece and chews "wow it's really nice"

"Don't lie, it's terrible" Heeseung sighs

"No it's really good" taking another and pops it in his mouth


"Yeah, a bit burnt around the edges though" he replies "did you make this?"

"With some help from Ms Amery but I tried to make it look presentable but" he pauses for a sec "obviously it didn't really work as planed"

"Either way it's the effort that counts" Sunghoon approaches Heeseung "here you try it yourself" he hovers his cooking over Heeseung's lips. Tentatively, he opens his mouth just enough for the food enters his mouth, unnecessarily chewing on it for a really long time before swallowing.

Sunghoon realise what he done, snapping his hand back startling Heeseung. "I'm sorry, I should've done that in a workplace"

"It's fine I was suppose to give it to you today but didn't have the courage"

"Really" Sunghoon grins out of joy without knowing "then I'm so thankful for this, thank you so much"

Heeseung suddenly becomes mesmerised by his smile, immediately grabbing a piece of food from the bento box and holding it up to Sunghoon.

"Ah you don't need to do that!" He waves his hands is denial "I can eat it myself"

"If I couldn't give you the box then at least let me do this"

A red tint appears on face. "O-ok" just like Heeseung, he hesitantly opens mouth waiting for the the food Heeseung's about to feed him, both noticing how close they are till someone comes bursting through the door.

"I'm back babe!"

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