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No One's POV

Early in the afternoon, it's always time for Ms Amery to make lunch and food prep for dinner after cleaning most of the rooms in the home. But before she starts, she decides to check up on Sunghoon and ask what he'd like to eat as Chohee may come home soon.

Gently, she knocks on the door and proceeds to open it. "Mr Park what would you like for- oh my goodness!!" She cries as she catches Sunghoon on his laptop typing quick as possible just to squeeze in a bit of work.

"Oh Ms Amery!"

"Mr Park you shouldn't do that!" She says, hurrying to get the laptop out of his hands and away from him out of panic. Since Aunt Rena gave him days off to recover, he's basically been staying in bed all day.

"You need to rest Mr Park"

"But if I don't work, how am I suppose to complete it? My bosses are waiting for the file, I just need to-"

"Mr Lee's orders were for you to stay in bed and rest"

"I know but I can't just sit here when there's something I could be doing"

"What you need to be doing is relaxing your body and recover, oh how in the world did these get on the floor?" Ms Amery places the laptop on his desk as far away as possible before collecting the scattered sheets of paper.

"Oh I tried to stay in bed when I reached out for the files obviously it didn't work, sorry"

"No worries it's my job to look after those in need" she smiles "if you don't rest then how can you work to your full capacity when you haven't even filled it"

"Ok fine I won't do any work" he gives in "then you must at least let me help you with the some chores"

"I can't let you do that Mr Park" she replies "I've caught you too many times helping around the house when you should be letting yourself relax"

"How about just 1 then, after I promise to rest"

She releases a sigh "fine, come along then"

It's been a few days since Sunghoon has situated here. He's starting to get use to the awkwardness when any 2 would bump into each other or the fact that the quiet fills the room more than the warmth and safety of a home. Whatever it is, Sunghoon knows this shouldn't be the norm.

"Why don't you start washing those vegetables Mr Park"

"Sure, but you can call me by my 1st name you know"

"I'm not sure what you're coming from Mr Park"

"It just sounded like as if I was a higher status than you"

"Well as a guest in the home, I must address and show them respect"

"Then as a guest, I'd like you to call me Sunghoon" he asks, noticing how high the difficulty level is as she begins to force her stuttering words to say his name.

"S-Su..ung-g...hooon? Su-ung..h-hoonn? Su-"

"Actually, why don't we start slightly easier" he cuts in, making sure to intervene and stop her crossing her own comfort zone "how does Mr Sunghoon sound?"

"Mr Sunghoon...yeah I can make that work"

"Great, but one day you will call me by my 1st name"

"It's a deal" she replies "now let's get busy those vegetables won't was themselves"

"Oh right!" He grabs the bowl and starts washing them

Once finishing, it's place straight on the chopping board as Ms Amery begins to work on getting them bite size. "Do you mind bearing some eggs?"

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