Do the titles have to relate to the story?

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I stood up to now.

"I do care! And you know what Nico? I love you."

We both stopped dead in our tracks and stared at each other for a minute before he finally spoke.


"You really don't see it do you?"

I shook my head, genuinely hurt by his words.

Before he could say anything more I walked out the door of our house and headed to Mum's. I needed to talk to her.

Did I seriously just out myself to him?

He's gonna hate me now.


Didn't he say?

Didn't he say that he liked me too?


You're thinking things.

He doesn't like you.

Why would anyone like you?

I-I don't know...

Before I knew it I was standing at the bottom of Mum's apartment building contemplating whether to go in or not.

I should go back to him.

I shouldn't have left him there.


I turned on my heels and ran as fast as I could back home, not bothering to stop when I almost ran into five people.

I burst through the door calling his name but I didn't get any answer so I rushed to my room where I left him. He wasn't there.

The bathroom.

No, no, no, no. Please.

"Nico!" I was banging on the door sobbing. 

"Please, I'm sorry. Open the door please."

The sight I was met with when he opened the door was not what I was expecting.

{Nico's POV}

I stood there, shell-shocked at what had just happened.

One minute I was yelling at Perce and now he's gone after, telling me that he loves me? Tears welling in my eyes and my breathing is broken, I can't bring myself to move.

Why would he say that?

Why did he flip so easily?

What did I say?

He promised...

My nails are digging into my arms and my knees buckle.

My hands are shaking in front of me as I stare at them, I feel alienated in my own body.

I end up sitting on the floor of our bathroom feeling completely overwhelmed and scared, I'm scared of myself, of my mind, of my hands.

Perce and I have never fought like that before.

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