"You two stop teasing kinn" Khun said taking my side.

"Thank god finally someone's on my side-" barely had I completed my sentence when Khun completed his.

"Even though my brother is a muscle head, douchebag and slower than internet explorer in taking hints, we should atleast motivate him to confess" He said making me confused if he was trying to support me or just insulting me.

"Oh right, go kinn! Yay!" Kim cheered in lowercase.

"Don't worry, we will be there for you when he rejects you" Vegas said as he kept his hand on my shoulder and the others nodded to his words.

Are they even not considering the possibility of Porsche accepting my proposal?
I thought.

"Anyways, I think I should propose him on the rooftop, it sounds romantic. What do you all think?" I proposed but instead of answering me, Kim just made a disgusted face at me.

"Oh! I just remembered! I saw this scene where the guy proposed to his crush on rooftop and the girl got so happy that she accidentally pushed him off the rooftop." Khun said and we all went silent for a second to digest the piece of information that we had just received until Kim decided to break the ice.

"On a second thought, I think it is a good idea to propose on the roof" He said making me stare at him in disbelief.

"Are you so desparate to get the inheritance already?!" I said in an overdramatic tone.

"Who cares about inheritance?" He  rolled his eyes at me.

( Writer's thought: Lol boy just wants kinn dead XD )

This brat!
I thought to myself.

The dinner finally ended after a lot of discussion and in the end it was decided that I would propose Porsche on our date the very next day.

Since the next day was a holiday, I asked already asked Porsche to spend the day with me prior to discussing everything with my "beloved" brothers.

"I can't wait to see him!"
I was excited beyond limits.
I couldn't sleep for almost the whole night but still woke up feeling more energetic than ever.

The music was on blast as I was choosing what to wear and my body was moving to the rhythm automatically. I was thoroughly enjoying myself while singing and dancing to the lyrics as if I had nothing else to care about in the world.

POV Ends.

Third person POV:

"Phi..." Kim muttered

"When did we subscribe to Disney channel?" He continued while looking at kinn who was dancing to the love songs like a princess in the movies.

"Don't ask me" Vegas sighed as he facepalmed himself.
The major problem with seeing kinn dance like that was, how he looked like a drunk or completely stoned Cinderella since he wasn't even exactly good at dancing.

"Shh! He's your older brother" Tankhun rebuked him.

"Then why isn't he behaving like one?" Kim whisper screamed.

"And where the hell did you get that popcorn tub from?!" Kim exclaimed in disbelief.

"Huh?" But Tankhun was too distracted by Kinn to answer any of his questions.

"Nevermind...no one's normal in this household" Kim sighed.

POV Ends.

Kinn's POV:

About an hour later I was finally all set to meet the love of my life looking the best I could.

"He definitely won't be able to resist my charms" I said confidently while checking myself out in the mirror.

"That's the spirit phi, be as much delusional as you can!" Kim said and I nearly hit him for it but controlled myself since I didn't want to spoil my mood.

After a fifteen minutes drive, I reached the cafe where we were supposed to meet and went inside to wait for him.
Barely had I waited for 5 minutes when I saw him enter through the door. He was wearing a light blue pullover and had his hair down.
He was looking adorable as always and I had to fight every urge of mine to not pull his cheeks already.

We spent about an hour at the cafe from where we went to a movie hall and later to an animal cafe that he had wanted to visit for a long time.

"Kinn! He looks exactly like you!" Porsche said excitedly while pointed to a Samoyed.

"Please" I protested.

He still clicked a photo of me sitting beside the Samoyed, and even though I had initially thought that it was a baseless comparision, I could no longer deny his claims after seeing the photo.

We do look a little similar
I thought to myself.

We clicked a number of pictures and played quite a lot until it was finally time to return.

"Porsche" I said while holding a puppy infront of my face as if it was the one saying the words.

"I have something to say..." I continued and he nodded.

"I got a crush on you the very moment I laid my eyes on you and as I got to you better, the simple crush deepened into love. At first I thought that I was going to keep it a secret until our school got over since then it won't hurt much even if you rejected me as we would part ways anyways, but...I don't think I can bear to hold the secret any longer. I love you Porsche, I really do! I hope we can grow old together, that I can capture every moment you smile, support you through your life and be there for you during your failures to lift you up every single time. I love you Porsche... it's fine if you don't feel the same about me, don't feel pressurized to accept it, even though I love you, I don't expect you to return the feelings. I just...hope that we can atleast remain friends for the rest of our lives..." I said out everything that I wanted to and Porsche didn't utter a single word throughout.
An agonizing silence had enveloped the atmosphere and I finally not being able to bear it anymore, let go of the puppy and looked up to see his reaction after summing up my courage.
But the moment I looked up, Porsche practically flew and hugged me. I couldn't register anything for a second but the moment I did, I hugged him back. The ecstacy had taken over my mind and I was feeling so happy that I got tears in my eyes.

"I love you too kinn! I couldn't say anything before because I was afraid that you didn't feel the same about it. I really do love you kinn" He said and I smiled feeling happier than ever.

A certain comfort had enveloped my heart and I didn't want to let go of him.
My Porsche
My forever home...

A week later:

My blank eyes stared at the ceiling. I was feeling directionless and my heart was filled with grief. The bags under my eyes had become even more evident to show how sleep deprived I was and my eyes were completely red from crying.

A dark pall had fallen over Teerpanyakul mansion and the bond that I had once thought was unbreakable had crumbled down into pieces. Hatred had taken over the unconditional love and I knew that the relationships were never going to become the same again.

My phone started ringing all of a sudden and the caller ID flashed "Porsche <3".

"Hello?" I picked up the call and just listening to his voice alone comforted me quite much.

"Kinn can we meet?" He sounded tense...

( Writer's thought: Ok now that took a turn, didn't it?
Are you all ready for what's about to come?
Want a hint?
Are you ready to see one of the characters in a sort of psychotic role?
Another hint: The character isn't Vegas )

Loving Him ( kinnPorsche )Where stories live. Discover now