Chapter NINE: "The Residents, Barley II."

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"It's about your son... Elder Millie..."


As day finally turns to night in Barley, one more twist was in stall for Arteus and the group.

A twist that would shape the journey to follow...

And Arteus' resolve as a result.


[North of Barley Village]


"Out with it! If something happened to Cass then..."

"Oh uhmm... don't worry Elder."

"The village head is fine."

The burly man declares, promptly gesturing outwards to calm an increasingly erratic Millie



"Well if my idiot son is alive then what is it you wish to tell me that's more Important than the rest survivors."

"The survivors."

The survivors? Silence immediately followed Martin's declaration.

It took a while for Millie to understand just what exactly Martin was implying.

But with each passing second it grew clearer and clearer.

" listening."

"Thank you, it'll only take a minute."

With that Martin gestured the family to the side, crouching and settling on a rock on the side before he begun.

What he was going to unveil wasn't outrightly unbelievable.

In fact, it was more probable than not.

However, given the circumstances that plagued the day it just felt like more weight was being added to their already strained chests

"It all started when you left us... Elder..."

At that time... the seven horns had just blared and the whole continent was in the prelude to the chaos.

Stunned stiff from the revelation.

Stunned stiff... from the weight of what was to come.

Barley was no exception to this...

Barley was stunned...

Its residents... were stunned.

And so, as the light of day shone brighter to an almost blinding capacity... and all the eyes of those currently camped in and around the red square and market fixated on the sky.

Frozen in place.

The various reactions of the residents of Barley would speak for the rest of the continent as a whole.

While others trembled in fear... worried and torn from what this meant...

Children were locked with confused expressions on their faces, unaware of what this could mean...

So as the unaware gazed on equally with childish expressions the remainder of the population

The rest of Barley...

Had clown like smiles plastered on.

Staring deep into the sky turned illuminated abyss and revelling in the bliss that came with the horns.

Tears streaming down their shut eyes as their clown like facials gave way for an expression that felt like true eternal bliss.

That was when it happened.

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