7. Just the old times

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"Huff huff. You really have gotten stronger marimo." You said panting while sitting.

"Yeah, but I still hasn't bet you." He said in a frustrated tone.

"Come on. You need to practice more if you want to beat me or dad." you teased.

"I know I know" 

"Now don't worry about it. Just focus on training. When is your next match by the way?"

"Next month. It's nationals"

"Mhm. Make sure you win that cup. Anything less and you'll no longer be a brother of mine"


You laughed at his pouted face. He sure looked cute. While you both talked, Mihawk came in with lemonade for both of you.

"Thanks dad. I sure missed this." you said sipping the drink.

"Mhm. Aren't you going to Dojo today dad?"

"No. Today I am spending the whole day with you guys. Y/n, tomorrow you also come with me. I could use some help."

"Sure thing"

"By the way why did you get fired?"

Then you began rambling about Law, Rosinante and everything that had happened. Mihawk listened attentively while Zoro went back to training.

"Mhm. You are really dedicated to this job aren't you?"

"Of course. If I refused the treatment, then what's the use of calling myself a doctor?"

"But now you need a way to treat the kid right?"


"You know, I have a solution for you."

"What is it?" you asked, your eyes liting up.

"You know, your uncle Roger left you a healthcare in his will"

"WHAT!" You are Zoro said in unison, your jaws on the floor.

"Mhm. He left Zoro a Dojo as well. Both of em aren't far away. Actually, both of them are near Zoro's house."

"Aww man" you replied while Zoro snickered. 

"I was planning to give the health care after you gained enough experience" Mihawk continued, "But seems like you require it now." 

You grinned at him. Seems like now you found a way to cure that boy after all. 

"But I am not planning to give you  the dojo now Zoro."













"Come on wake up y/n. You'll be late."

"Coming" you yelled from your bed. You let out a small groan as you reluctantly pulled yourself from your bed. You checked your phone 

5:00 a.m.

Why this early?

You did your morning routine and  went down for breakfast. 

"Oh you are already here Zoro?"

"Mhm. Now come fast if you need breakfast. It's Toast and eggs."

"Toast and eggs? Man I am hungry now itself." you said as you grabbed your plate and started eating, "And dad, that looks good on you"

Love you doc! (Corazon/Rosinante x Y/n) Modern auWhere stories live. Discover now