4. First day of treatment

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"You can't do that to me. I can't refuse treatment for a sick child. I rather give up my job as a doctor." you said, almost yelling.

"If you can't, then we have no choice than to fire you."

You froze. Your eyes widened and was speechless. 

You tried to reason with them, but no use. Either you refuse Law's treatment or quit.

Guess what? You quit. It isn't the best decision you took, but your pride as a doctor wouldn't let you choose otherwise. 

You grabbed your things and marched outside, only to be stopped by a pineapple hair.

"Are you sure about this? Don't risk your career for the sake of a child you barely know."

"Step aside Mr. Newgate. I can do whatever I want with my life. I hate strangers interfering it"

Marco backed a bit and you took the chance to escape from his sight. 

You entered your car and banged your head on the steering wheel. 

Great. Just great. Now I am unemployed too.

Not sure where to go, you sat in that position until a message chimed your phone.

Sanji : Don't skip on coming here!

Right. His restaurant's inauguration. I still have to go there.

You picked yourself up and somehow drove towards the restaurant.

The restaurant was big and flashy. It was shaped a as fish and boy, it was sure packed.

Your eyes trailed off to a familiar blonde. 

"Y/n! you are early!" a voice spoke from behind.

"Geez Shanks, you scared me!" you said, giving a flick on his forehead.

"Ow. Why did you do that for? Wait. Are you crying?"

Tears started flowing out from your eyes when you talked to him. You could never hide your true emotions from him. He pulled you for a hug, but was really confused. He started patting your back and kept on asking what happened, but practically inhuman words came from your mouth (yup, just like how Sanji spoke  when he saw his first bounty picture)

People all over the restaurant started noticing and even worse, they all thought Shanks was the reason. He somehow managed to drag you to your car and made you calm down.

"So tell me. What really happened?"

You took a deep breath and managed to spit it out, "I got fired" 

His eyes widened, "How can they do that? You are the best doctor among the newbies."

"They didn't want me treating that poor kid"

"Bastards" knowing you he immediately understood what happened.

Suddenly the phone rang. It displayed Rosinante. Knowing your state, Shanks picked the phone up. 

"Hello Dr."


"Isn't this Ms Y/n's number? Can I get her?"

Shanks looked at your direction to see you puffy eyes and blowing your nose with a red cloth






You began sobbing again. He gave you a box of tissues to blow your nose with.

"Is everything alright?" Rosinante asked in a concerned tone.

"Not really. Rosinante, you do one thing. Call again later."  Shanks took a moment to glance at you and identifying your state, he continued, "She is not able to talk right now."

"Alright. I'll call at night then. Thanks Shanks"

"No problem."

Shanks hung up the phone and turned to you. 

"I'll drop you home. Zoro said he would be there. Right now you are a mess. Fresh yourself up, eat something and spend some time with him. You'll feel better." Shanks said, buckling himself up. 

"I am more worried (sniff) about the kid than myself. I can (sniff) treat him, but what about the medical equipment? I need more (sniff) than a bed and medicines." You said sniffing.  

"We'll figure it out." Shanks reassured you. "And why are you so sure that white lead disease is not Contagious?"

"Because my uncle freaking had em."

Love you doc! (Corazon/Rosinante x Y/n) Modern auWhere stories live. Discover now