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THEIR WALK TO the Academy was heavy with silence. "I would call that a success," Coriolanus spoke at last, turning his head to catch her eye, "The children seemed to already love Lucy Gray."

"She's quite the performer. Not a good thing for me," Dolores bit her lip, deep in thought. She couldn't help but feel envious of his tribute's natural charm and confidence on stage. Compared to Otto, who was still quiet and shy, Lucy Gray Baird was already shining before the cameras. Her advantage over Coriolanus was quickly diminishing. "But for the record, I wonder if she knows that you called her insane."

"Oh you wouldn't, Imber," he chuckled, "I'm sure she'd understand if you really do tell her though. Have you made progress with your tribute? He seems promising as well. A little quiet but smart."

She smiled softly, "I think the food bribery worked. I knew I could count on my favorite cookies." It was only in private times like these when she could truly hold a casual conversation with Coriolanus Snow. Genuine compliments and discussions based on opinions were never reserved for anyone else's ears. After all, they were rivals, not enemies... if there could be a difference in the amount of hatred she felt for him. "Just saying, the crowd will definitely go wild if Lucy Gray sings."

"I doubt that she will sing just because I asked her to," he sighed, his fingers toying the hem of his red jacket, "I worry that she will be the one to manipulate me, rather than the other way around."

"Manipulate you? Is Mr. Snow losing his touch?"

"Shut up, Imber," a glimmer of amusement showed in his blue eyes, "Aren't you failing to sway Otto as well?"

Dolores smirked, "I bet I can get him to dance before you can get her to sing."

"Oh definitely not," Coriolanus scoffed, an arrogant smile on his lips.

She tilted her head in curiosity, "What makes you think that?"

"Didn't you see? She winked at me back in the truck. She indirectly dared me to jump in there to 'prove' her wrong and I did, without dying. I've definitely already impressed her. Trust me, I did not risk my life against those tributes for nothing."

"You seem desperate. Perhaps you are becoming more and more delusional," Dolores laughed, "You did seem a bit off when you gave me that rose this morning," she teased, "Trust me, she definitely thinks that you are more useful now... but also pretty useless at the same time for jumping mindlessly in a truck full of tributes just to play hero."

"Well? What about you?" he looked annoyed for a brief second before shifting back to his blank expression, "Why'd you jump in that truck?"

She shrugged carelessly, "I got impatient. It wasn't strategic but, at least I could handle myself."

"Not strategic? Is Ms. Imber losing her composure?" Coriolanus mocked with the same words she used against him. There was a mischievous smile lifting his lips as the two walked along the capitol streets towards the Academy. The sunlight washed over the entire city, making his silver-hair brighter than ever and illuminating his electrifying blue eyes. She couldn't help but roll her eyes. Despite that, a smile was on her face as the sun warmed her right up after their whole fiasco in the zoo.

"I'm losing my damn mind," Dolores groaned, "You think we'll be in trouble?"

It was his turn to shrug, "Hopefully not."

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