Chapter 2: mirrors and cuts

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Word count: 996 words

It wasn't mere coincidence that my bully was my best friend sister. No it wasn't.

Neither was it my luck that Conner Castillo so happened to like me while Brittany was obsessed with him.

Nor do I feel amused at the fact that my childhood crush is not only my brother's best friend but my best friend's boyfriend.

I feel like the universe is out for me, and not in a good way.

I looked at my room's ceiling as I recalled all the unfortunate things in my life, starting with my birth.

The soft sound of chatter echoed through the house and broke me from my thoughts. I strained my ears slightly and soon I could hear all the voices as they spoke.

There were three deep masculine voices coming from - if I'm not mistaken - just below the grand staircase.

One of them was definitely Alessandro, the second one had to be Ian Daniels, my brother's friend and the last one, well the last one was a mystery to me.

I didn't want to listen to their muffled voices so I reached over to my nightstand and took my ear plugs, placing them carefully in my ear.

This weren't usual earplugs but rather noise cancellation earplugs, I got these when I was seven because of my very unusual hearing. I wasn't born blind or with any defects but my hearing has always been heightened.

Although my room was on the third floor - at the end of the hallway -  I could still hear their muffled conversation, all the way on the ground floor, which was becoming very..... alarming.

Once the world fell into a comfortable silence, and only the loud banging of my thoughts could be heard, only then did I allow myself to breath in a sigh of relief.

It had been a while since I had felt this amount of comfort and I couldn't say I wasn't happy.

Since the beginning of middle school I have never known comfort. Brittany and her friends made sure I was miserable just because i refused to join their group.


"Hey, Alessandra right?"  I looked up to see a beautiful brunette with beautiful green eyes that stuck out from her entire being.

She looked at me calmly as her question was still left hanging in the air, the entire cafeteria looking at us, this was not how I expected my first day at middle school to start.

" Uhmm....yh, my name is Alessandra " I replied after a while.

She smiled and shook her head " yh I remembered you introducing yourself today, in case you haven't noticed, we're in the same English and Spanish class " she said in one breath and I nodded, so lost.

" I was wondering if you'd like to be my friend and friends with my friends " she asked and I raised an eyebrow.

" Why? " A chorus of gasps filled the air as I sat there like a lost puppy.

" Because I like your style, you look cool and you're beautiful and hot " she explained.

I was about replying when she continued " and I need people like you in my group "

This is where my problems started.

" I'd rather not be friends with you "

" What? " She shouted as the cafeteria erupted in fits of laughter.

I repeated what I said and she angrily stomped her heel on the ground as she turned and walked away.

End of flashback:

Well, Brittany made sure I regretted rejecting her and I still do regret it, very much.

I actually regret a lot of things, and for once in my life I was going to voice them out.

So standing up and removing my ear plugs and placing them back on my nightstand, I strolled over to my vanity and sat down.

My vanity that was filled to the brim with makeup but not a single thing had been used except from the lip balm.

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. My white hair was just the way my friends left it, in a loose bun.

Stray strands of hair framed my face and brought more attention to my icy blue eyes and pale skin.

My reflection reminded me of my father's favorite nickname for me, Everest, he used to say that mere looking at me and you would be instantly transported to the mountain and it's surroundings.

"I regret not standing up for myself " I didn't forget my mission.

" I regret letting myself be the tail "

" I regret not telling him I loved him "

" I regret never having had sex " that was plain right stupid.

" I regret letting Cindy push me over "

" I regret ever being born!" The last one had me screaming and hitting the glass with a random object.

The glass shattered and splinters of glass scattered everywhere, sticking into my body as I screamed out in pain.

My door burst open as Andy looked around and finally settled his gaze on me, taking in the full situation.

Behind him was Ian- I knew I heard him- and another tall boy. They rushed in as Andy picked me up and into my bathroom and placed me on the counter as he used tweezers to remove the glass splinters.

I watched carefully as Andy removed and applied treatment to the cuts.

" What the hell Ally " he asked me, eyes filled with rage.

I winced as our eyes made contact, that didn't seem to soften him as he left my room almost as quick as he came in.

I looked down at my hands, the affected place and imagined them closed and miraculously I could feel the skin trying to come together, weird.


I need to hide, keep on running, don't stop running, can't let them get me,

This thoughts are running through my head as I desperately try to outrun Derrick,

But worse of all is that I know I can't outrun him,

Help me please, please send help to me,



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⏰ Ultima actualizare: May 08 ⏰

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