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Izuku pov:

Hello, my name is Izuku Midoriya. I am four years old and I want to become a hero even though I was announced quirkless a couple months ago. Even though everyone says I can't be a hero I still haven't given up on my dream! Right now me, Kacchan and his friends are exploring the woods looking for cool bugs to catch.

"You better keep up Deku you don't want to get left behind cause you're so slow!" Kacchan taunted while his friends snickered. "I can keep up! And I told you I'm not useless!" I tried to argue back while struggling to carry all the bug catching supplies we brought. "Well I don't see you with a quirk now do I, so you're useless." Kacchan shot back. "My quirk just hasn't appeared yet, I'm just a late bloomer!" I told him, but it is more of telling myself at this point as I look down at the ground to stop myself from tripping. "Yeah keep telling yourself that Dekuuuuuuu~" I look up from the ground to see Kacchan falling through a bush and rolling down a steep hill until he hits the bottom with an audible thud. "Kacchan, are you okay!" I don't get a response from him as I start to worry.

His friends just stare at him while I decide to drop all of the stuff and run down to him. Until I trip over a rock in the process and start rolling down the hill myself and smack into something hard causing me to stop painfully. "You alive, Deku." Kacchan snorts at me as I get up slowly letting the world stop spinning. Once I do get up and before I can ask if he is alright Kacchan covers my mouth. "I'm fine Deku, I'm not some weakling like you." Kacchan tells me mainly to shut me up as he removes his hand from my mouth and his friends walk down the hill, or in Tsubasa's case glides down. "Woah check out the cool find Bakugo stumbled onto!" Tsubasa states as we look behind us to see a gate path to a very old shrine.

"Cool, let's go check it out, we might find something in there to snag as a trophy." Kacchan states while walking into the shrine with the rest of his friends closely following behind. "Mom said you shouldn't steal things from a shrine or those who have passed on will come to haunt you." I told Kacchan while being nervous out of my mind of the creepy old shrine in the middle of a literal forest! "Ghosts aren't real Deku, you're just a scaredy cat and auntie Inko only told you that because you tripped over a grave and she made you apologize to it when we went to visit your dad." Kacchan stated while recalling an embarrassing moment causing his friends to laugh. "Now c'mon Deku unless you're a scaredy cat!" Kacchan called back. "Fine but if anything happens it's your fault!" I state as I start to catch up with them. "Whatever Deku." Kachan snorts and the group stays quiet the rest of the way to the shrine.

The shrine itself when we got there was very broken down and covered in overgrowing plants clearly showing that it hasn't been touched in a long time. "Well this place is a dump." "Kacchan be respectful!" I nervously told him after that insult thrown to the shrine. "There is no one here but us Deku so don't tell me what to do." Kacchan growled while popping some tiny explosions in his hands. "Sorry Kacchan." I mumble as I back up away from him to not get blasted by his quirk. After I back up I notice a little figurine in the shrine that somehow looks brand new. None of the others seem to notice it while looking around for anything interesting so I decide to walk up to it for a closer look.

I get a closer look at the figurine as it looks to be made of some kind of wood that is painted orange except for around the eyes which is painted black and it spreads in a thick line to cover the inside of the ears. I don't know why, but I start to reach for it to grab it as it somehow has a sense of familiarity to it, like I've seen this figurine before somewhere. Before I'm able to grab it a hand yoinks it from me, surprising me. I look over to see that Kacchan grabbed the figurine from the pedestal it was sitting on. "Looks like you found something interesting Deku, maybe you aren't so useless after all." Kacchan told me while looking at the figurine. "Kacchan you should probably put it back before~" My voice dies to my protest as I see a glowing translucent figure standing right behind Kacchan.

"Aah it's a ghost run!" one of Kacchan's friends screams and they all start running back through the path and out of sight from us. "What are those wimps talking about Deku?" Kacchan asks with a questioning gaze when he sees my terror. "Behind you." I was barely able to squeak out, prompting him to turn around and see the spiritual figure. "GAH! Who the heck are you!" The hooded figure doesn't respond as he takes the figurine from Kacchan. We both watch, too scared to move as he walks over to me and takes off his hood revealing very weird ringed eyes and two small horns on his head. He hands me the figurine while I'm still in shock and I start to internally freak out more as when the figurine is put in my hands it starts to glow green. I look over to Kacchan for help and all he does is stare back at me with a face full of shock.

It doesn't help that the figurine disintegrates in my hands leaving a small fox like spirit that jumps into my chest after looking at the ghost dude for a second causing my panic to become physical as I feel my chest as my four year old brain tries to figure out what just happened. In said panic I don't notice the ghost take my hands somehow and place two markings on them before my panic gets to me and I pass out like an idiot.

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