Chapter 2 Bendy's Escape Part 1

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Third POV

drip.... drop..... drip.... drop

the sound of ink dripping echoed through the halls

the wooden boards creaked every once in a while

wooden planks, posters, empty bacon soup cans scattered through out the floor

ink smudges covering the studio from head to toe

and somewhere in that studio, just around a corner, was a certain little demon, walking around

he had a pale gray-ish brown-ish fabric bag on his right arm

Bendy, the dancing demon, also known as the little devil darling

looked around his surroundings with tired eyes

it had been 5 months since he had woken up in the studio and had been surviving on his own ever since, with a creature hunting him down,

Bendy has some dark eyebags, his eyes couldn't stay more than half lidded, He was skinny, his ribs and some bones showing, his walking was a bit unbalanced, he had been starving for a long time since their isn't much food in the studio.

He usually goes out in the studio looking for cans of bacon soup, it is dangerous tho since their is something looking for him

today was no different than other days, once again he was out looking for food, with no luck so far, he was walking back to his hideout, tired, looking around his surroundings just in case, peaking through corners to the next hallway, the studio is silent, no sounds except for the occasional drips and drops from the ink, the creaking from the wood, and the erie sounds that is produced from this place

he sighed, checking corners, and walking more, each step tiring him out even more, eventually he reached a door,    stepping on his tip toes he tried reaching the door handle, he reached out even more stretching his arm as far as it could go while he got on his tip toes as much as possible, Almost failing he managed to turn the handle, he pulled the door opening it, he walked through the door down a hall and took a turn entering another room,

there, was a desk with 2 drawers, and seemingly a broken part of the wall, he stared at it, getting flashbacks of how he had found it


4 months ago he was walking through that same hall, when suddenly he tripped and feel flat on his face, groaning he looked at his right, suddenly becoming quiet after noticing the large hole in the wall, he stood up, looking at the furniture, immediately putting all his strength together to push it out of the way, after a lot of struggling he managed to push it out of the way just enought for him to fit

he walked into it, walking for a few minute until he reached a room, a small room,

at his right was a wardrobe with some fabrics laying at its step

and at his left in the far corner was a desk with a chair

End of Flashback

He immediately went towards the furniture to push it out of the way as he had done almost every day, he struggled yet again to push it out of the way, this time tho, it was much harder, we was becoming weaker to the lack of food and rest, then he finally was able to push it out of the way, he entered the hole, and pulled the furniture back in place.

and proceeded to walk for a few minutes

after a few minute he reached a opening where light was shone, and lighting up the dark walkway

he entered his room

with the same wardrobe at his right

now at his left there were lines marking how many days he had been there

at he far corner of his left was the same desk and chair, but with a few papers and drawings on it

and at his right at the far corner was a make shift bed, made from some rags and some fabrics he found

he waled over to the desk, taking his bag of and leaving it hanging from the chair, walking over to his "bed"

he stared at it before throwing himself on it, laying flat on his face before turning over and looking at the ceiling, he contemplated actually falling asleep

he was so tired, he hadn't slept in 2 weeks

afraid of the nightmares, that would haunt him ever since that day

he was so exhausted, after staring at the ceiling for a moment, his eyes started to slowly close, trying his best to stay awake, he fails, and ends up closing his eyes, slowly falling asleep

and then


Authors Note

yay chapter 2 part 1, I have already written more than what I have drawn in the comic

which if you guys want to check out the comic and my terrible art here is the link!

please do remember that this is a batim and cuphead crossover! so you don't get confused 

well then until next chapter! ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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