Seeing the Real You

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This was how Penelope found herself once again at the center of attention, this time with every Bridgerton and Bassett in the area called to the table, as well as Lady Danbury, because she liked Penelope, so people said. Colin nodded to his fiance, asking with his eyes if he could continue. Then proceeded an entire silent conversation between them, her darting eyes telling him that she was incredibly nervous, and his wiggling brows telling her that he was right there to support her.

"What are you two doing?" Benedict asked, pointing curiously between the two lovebirds.

Anthony hummed in agreement. "Yes, and why are we here, Colin?"

Colin squeezed Penelope's hand, then rose from his seat, still not letting go of her. All eyes turned to the couple, mostly Colin to Penelope's relief. He cleared his throat. "Thank you all for coming to this dinner. It means a great deal to my wife and I."

"Not your wife yet," Penelope and Anthony said at the same time, Penelope's tone a bit more teasing.

"I am honored," Lady Danbury replied. "Though I feel as if I am intruding on a family gathering."

"You are family, Lady Danbury," Simon said, ever the obedient godson.

The old widow chortled, patting his arm. "You flatter me, dear boy." She turned back to Colin, the rest following suit. "Now, get on with it, Mister Bridgerton."

"Right, of course." Colin cleared his throat again, a bit awkwardly this time. "If I may, what we are about to say should not, under any circumstances, leave this room. Is that clear?" He ordered, as if he had any authority to do so.

"Dear God, Colin," Anthony groaned, rubbing his temples. Kate took one of his hands and placed it on her round belly, a gesture she had realized usually calmed him down. "Am I going to need to get a special license?" He asked with a pointed glared, aimed only at his brother.

"No," Penelope answered for him, rather quickly, her cheeks burning red.

"Well, probably not," Colin mumbled, earning another glare. "Anyway, that is not what this is about." Penelope noticed that Violet looked a bit disappointed. The woman had made it very clear since the start of their engagement how excited she was about more grandchildren, even with Kate due in a couple of months. She and Colin had been careful though, as they wanted to travel a bit before starting a family. Penelope smiled a little at the image of their future together. "Pen, would you like to say it?" Colin asked, pulling her from her thoughts.

"Oh," Penelope squeaked, all eyes on her now. She supposed the news should probably come from her, seeing as it was her secret that had gotten them into this mess in the first place. "Very well," she said, smoothing her skirts as Colin helped her to her feet. "Just, before I do," she rushed to add. "Know that I love you all and I care for each of you greatly." She took a deep breath, closing her eyes to all of their faces. "I am Lady Whistledown."

No one said a word for several moments, the only sound in the room being the clattering of plates as people dropped their utensils. She didn't dare open her eyes, knowing what she would find if she did. She couldn't bare the angry stares, or the disappointed frowns. She deserved it though, she reminded herself. The Bridgertons had welcomed her into their lives, and she had ruined them at every turn, even if her intentions were good. They would hate her. They would hate her, and she would be forced to let Colin and Eloise go, lest they make them choose. It would kill her. She couldn't lose them. Penelope could feel herself hyperventilating again, everything around her turning to white noise as Colin squeezed her hand, pulling her towards him.

Then, amidst the quiet, a very loud little girl shrieked. "Hah, I knew it! Pay up, Gregory!"

Penelope still didn't dare open her eyes when she heard Violet scold her youngest child. "Hyacinth!" She exclaimed.

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