You and Me

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I didn't mean to hurt you so why'd I let you walk out the door?

Penelope watched within the last second as Colin escaped into his family's carriage from across the square. She did not hesitate to break into a sprint, reaching the carriage in a surprisingly short amount of time, then threw the door open and hopped into the seat next to him with little effort. Colin, completely shocked at this turn of events, managed to catch Penelope and crush her to his chest.

"Pen!" He exclaimed. "You cannot just climb into a moving carriage! Are you alright?!" He asked, helping her regain her balance and thoroughly searching every inch of her form for injury.

It wasn't necessary, Penelope thought, but she giggled giddily at his touch. "Actually, I've found that the hard part is jumping out of one," she said.

"Penelope," he replied, very unamused, and proceeded to let her go.

You say that you don't know me. You don't know who I am anymore.

"Colin," she echoed in the same tone with a challenging arch of her brow. Her face softened and they stared at one another for a moment until he finally looked away. "Colin, I'm so sorry. I did not know." She moved an inch towards him, hoping he would allow her this.

"You had to have known," he muttered.

"Do you think I would have entertained any of those other gentlemen if I had known?" She dared another inch and reached for his hands. He still didn't look up. "They are nothing compared to you." She laughed to herself, as if the idea was preposterous. "Colin, I have loved you since I was seven years old and I knocked you into a pile of books."

But if you knew the truth, then you wouldn't feel insecure. 'Cause if I didn't have you, I wouldn't have nothing at all.

Colin's eyes at last landed on hers, and he smiled fondly. "I can't believe you remember that."

Penelope smiled even wider, finally touching her knee to his. "I could never forget. It was the day I met the love of my life." His face opened in the most vulnerable way, and she moved her hand to cup his cheek. "Never once in all those years did I imagine you would return my feelings. How could I? You are..." She gestured to his entire self. "You are the handsomest, kindest, most charming man I have ever met," Penelope said passionately. "Colin, your stories are transportive! I truly think you should publish your journals. Your words are like magic, they move people. They," she ended with a whisper. "How could I measure up to all of that?" She asked sadly, looking down at their once again clasped hands. For all of the work she had done, they had done, to improve her self confidence, those dark thoughts still sometimes crept in, and the voice that sounded distinctly like her mother's reminded her that her dreams were not within reach.

I wish you could see yourself through my eyes. I always forget that you can't read my mind.

Colin had beamed at each one of Penelope's praises. How could he ever doubt her love for him? He quickly frowned as he watched her fold in on herself. How could she ever doubt his love for her? "You move me too," he answered, tipping her chin up to meet his gaze. He did not wait another second to rid them of the last few inches of space keeping them apart. He needed to remind her, show her just how loved by him she was. His lips descended on hers, and he kissed her with such fierceness, that if Penelope hadn't already been on the verge of tears, she might have cried. Her body melted into his, her legs turning into jelly under the weight of his evident desire. "Oh, Pen, I love you," Colin sighed into the kiss, not wanting to waste another moment without having said the words.

As long as I got you and me. Moving through this world as a two-man team.

"Say it again," Penelope begged as his lips traveled to the skin between her neck and ear. "Please."

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