XI. | Better Angels

Start from the beginning

"Keep it steady!" Glenn yelled out as he also shot at walkers

"I'm trying!" Maggie yelled back. The trio kept firing at the walkers

"My kill count is gonna skyrocket after tonight" Camila said as she laughed

"Not the time!" Glenn yelled at her

"Oh the world's gone to shit, when is it ever the time?" Camila asked

"She's got a point" Jesse said

"Your ability to make everything unserious, is truly impressive" Maggie said while she kept driving. Camila smirked as she shot another walker

"I take pride in that" Camila responded. They kept shooting but they weren't even making a dent. It was useless. Maggie noticed T-Dog's car driving off

"Where the hell are they going?" Maggie asked

"To Kentucky? I don't fucking know" Camila responded

"Thanks smart ass. Should I follow them?" Maggie asked

"I'd say yes. Swing it around. Swing it around here" Glenn replied as the trio of shooters were completely in the car, no longer shooting. However, they got stuck. Walkers were clawing at the windows trying to get to them

"Oh my God" Maggie breathed out as tears welled up in her eyes

"Damn, if I go out like this.. that'll suck" Camila said

"We're not dying here" Jesse proclaimed

"I can't get through, Jesse" Maggie cried

"I.." Jesse didn't know how to respond

"Head out" Glenn said. Maggie snapped her head towards him

"What?" She asked

"Get off the farm now" Glenn commanded. Maggie couldn't believe what she was hearing

"That's actually a really good idea" Camila said

"Don't say that" Maggie said

"Maggie, it's lost!" Glenn yelled at her

"Don't yell at her" Jesse told Glenn

"The others- we can't leave them" Maggie cried

"There will be no point if we're all dead" Camila reminded. Maggie turned to the front and screamed as walkers tried to eat the glass like the fucking dumbasses they were. She put the car in reverse and slammed on the gas, getting away from the walkers

"Get off the farm now!" Glenn commanded. Maggie revved the engine as she put the car in drive. She slammed on the gas and drove off. They left the farm, unsure of if anyone else was alive

The sun was beginning to rise as Maggie continued driving. Camila had no idea where they were, mostly because she had fallen asleep. She was woken up by Maggie's cries

"Oh my God. Oh my God" Maggie cried out

"All right, let's just- let's just circle back to the highway" Glenn said

"Did you guys see my dad? Did- Did he make it? Did you see?" Maggie asked

"Nope" Camila responded

"I couldn't see anything" Glenn responded

"Maggie, I'm sorry" Jesse said

"And Beth- I lost Beth. We've gotta go back there" Maggie said

"Woah, we are not going back" Camila said

𝘚𝘶𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘗𝘴𝘺𝘤𝘩𝘰 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦|| Glenn RheeWhere stories live. Discover now