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Cliffstar awoke to find himself in Starclan's hunting ground. Am I dead?! I thought I had 7 lives left, he thought. He looked around, hoping to find someone to explain what's going on.
    "Cliffstar, we come to give you a message, a message that will decide the fate of not only Alpclan, but all the clans." A voice boomed, but Cliffstar was unable to locate where it was coming from.
    "What? Who are you? Why me?" Cliffstar was exploding with questions and confusion.
   "Questions will only give us less time. Listen to what I have to say, or be the cause of the clans' deadly fate."
Cliffstar nodded, listening intently.
    "The Cat with Eyes of Sun and the Cat with Nose of Neans must be found by the Cat of Shadows, for she will explain the rest."
Cliffstar felt warmth to his right, where a Starclan cat was speaking to him.
    "She does not yet know who she can tell. You must help the Cat of Shadows find the Cat with Nose of Beans and the Cat with Eyes of Sun." This Starclan cat was a beautiful tortie, but her eyes seemed sullen.
   "Can I have a hint?" Asked Cliffstar, making the she-cat chuckle.
    "You will be able to do it on your own, just follow the message, and you might survive," then she turned away from him, staring at the lush forest nearby. "Don't let us down."
Then everything went dark.

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