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I slammed my hand down on my alarm clock and 'accidentally' flung it off my bedside table. I then rolled off my bed and scurried over to my alarm clock checking it wasn't broken. I don't think saying Marley cut the cords again is going to go down well.

I screamed as I felt something touch my leg. I flipped over to see my fluff ball persion kitten Marley, nuzzling against my leg. I sighed as I picked her up and placed her on my bed before getting up and ready for school.

I slipped on a plain white T-Shirt with long and black tights to cover the bruise on my leg so my mum won't see. I walked into my ensuite which is white with black tiles on the shower and other black accessories to match my room.

In the top cabinet I keep my makeup. I apply some waterproof eyeliner and mascara which makes my eyes look nicer. I used to wear a lot more makeup lile foundation and eyeshadow but not all makeup has a waterproof version.

With what I go through at school I know I'll end up crying because it's to hard to be strong. Then I'll have tear tracks through my makeup and I'll have to take it off anyway.

I brush my teeth with my mint -I love mint- toothpaste. And brush the tangles out of my hair which leaves me with a headache. I do not sleep like an angel therefore my hair doesn't even scrape the surface of a birds nest.

I grabbed my bag which was slung over my desk chair full of completed homework. I located my jacket on the floor and shrugged it on before slipping out of the house.

I got halfway down the street before my stomach started churning at the thought of the hell hole I wad about to willingly enter.

It was still early so I turned around and walked down a side street that leads to the main road. It was 8:25 so cars were speeding down the road on the way to work and buses battled their way through the traffic.

The weather was warm but fortunately not as hot as yesterday morning. I stopped infront of the door to my favourite coffee shop before walking in. The bell rang above my head alerting the workers that someone entered the shop.

Its a modern shop worth walls plastered in pictures of different place over the world. I was happy to see a familiar face behind the cash register.

"Taylor," she squealed as she -quite literally- jumped over the counter and pulled me into a bear hug.

"Slowly, loosing, breath," I choked out before she let go and gave me a sheepish grin.

"Sorry...but I haven't seen you in forever. And my mum grounded me for drinking which is ridiculous because I'm eighteen but she's like 'ladies don't drink,'" she said in a mock tone.

"And then I snuck out to got to Carson's party, you know that really popular guy and then the next morning I took some tablets because I had a killer headache and she just assumed I snuck out with no proof whatsoever so she took my keys and grounded me for another two weeks," she said really fast in one breath.

I was about yo remind her that she did in fact sneak out but she kept talking.

"And then I had to catch the bus to school and it was so gross and it took forever because we have to stop for other people," she says like it the worlds greatest injustice.

Violet, that's her name, is my one and only friend. Don't let the name fool you though. She may be really nice around me but you wouldn't want to cross paths with her in a dark alley at night.

She has multiple piercings in her ears, eyebrows and tounge. She has dyed jet black hair and has a gloomy aura about her. Although she doesn't have many friends because she landed this jock in hospital so everyone is scared of her.

I walked into the shop when she was working one day and bam, we were friends.

I checked my watch and noticed that I had five minutes to get back to school. I saw a steaming vanilla cappuccino on the bench where Violet had just put it.

I grabbed it and yelled a 'goodbye' as I ran out the door.

The traffic by now was backed up as I ran across the street and through the cars because I didn't have the time to go the long way around.

I heard the bell ring as I entered the school doors. I ignored the stares as bolted to my locker.

The corridors were still full of students. I arrived at the classroom and saw my class still waiting outside for our teacher.

Second period rolled round and I was terrified. Know one had attempted to do anything to me yet as opposed to the second I entered the school grounds. It's officially getting to my head with their stupid mind games.

I moved with the flow of students and into my art classroom. And when I say flow I mean a bunch of disgusting teenagers shoving eachother.

By the time I entered my art classroom I had been elbowed twice in the stomach and had my feet stomped on multiple times.

I made my way straight to the seat I had been allocated and sat down still on high alert.

Five minutes later my art teacher Mrs Thompson decided to arrive.

"Ok, today you are going to be painting a...horizon. Yes, today you are going to be painting a horizon," she told us before sitting at her desk and opening a book to read.

I sighed knowing that no matter how well I paint someone is going to ruin it. I got out of my chair to grab some some supplies. I found a large canvas, some purple, blue and gold paint and a paintbrush. I dumped the supplies on my desk before plopping on my seat.

This was my first mistake. A second later half the class started snickering whilst the other half were in complete hysterics. Confused I looked around to see people pointing at me but know one did anything. Someone pointed at my gluteus maximus so I stood up to check.

This was my second mistake because I ended up looking like a dog chasing it's tail. I grabbed my shirt and saw red paint on my shirt and assumably on my pants as well making I'd look like my time of the month.

I quickly slung my messenger bag over my shoulder and ran past ny teacher who was giving me a sympathetic look and a jock holding a video camera.

So Taylor does have a single friend.
What do you think about the bullies mean sense of humour?

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