PK Pandemonia Arc: Chapter 100 - Taking the Iron Stand

Start from the beginning

He turned back. ".....I know, Raku. I know."

I brought my hand off Tori's name, and turned around to spot Alexis and Meghan walking over.

"You guys!" My eyes lit up. "Why're you here?"

"The SoH are in on this too," Zena gave them a wave. "They're not going to sit out on a chance to fight for what they feel is right."

I gave way to them, as they approached Tori's name. They faces turned solemn as they saw it. All they could do was stare in silence. It took them a minute before Alexis broke the still atmosphere.

"She could have been spared. Even if she was behind everything in Katalysis, Laughing Coffin's still out there. They've simply lost one of their pawns. Who knows how many more they have up their sleeves."

"The assumption is that, there's always a pawn that they can use at anytime," Zena pointed out. "Katalysis won't be their last fuck-up."

"I look forward to their next fuck-up, then." Meghan spat bitterly.

Zena smiled a little, before turning to the entrance again.

"They're here."

Sure enough, Misuko, who was waiting outside the Black Iron Castle, had just entered. A group of players were behind her, and I already knew that they meant business.

Likewise, I could feel the tension rise among us here as well.

"I'm sure you guys already know this, but we're in a safe zone," Zena warned. "If you're thinking of punching them in the face, I suggest dragging them out of the Town of Beginnings first."

"What're you getting at?" Alexis asked, being slightly annoyed.

"This diplomatic conversation that we're about to have cannot become a fuck-up, is all I'm saying," Zena eyed Meghan intently. "I'm imploring you to just watch. Misuko and I will handle it."

"You seem really enthusiastic about this." Meghan crossed her arms.

"Hmm. Let's put it this way. I'm just showing the KoB the non-life threatening way to punish prisoners-of-war." Zena started to walk towards the approaching group.

"Like you, I'm pissed about Tori's death as well."

As Misuko approached us, she nodded at Zena, as if telling him to take over the situation. Zena nodded back, as Misuko turned around to face the ones we're about to confront.

At least, that was what Zena had told me. And that was all he said about it.

In the front of the group was Kira. Behind her were Asuna the Lightning Flash and Kirito the Black Swordsman. Both of them needed no introduction.

I shuddered a little, to think that I could manage a stare-off against Asuna, back when I insisted on talking to Tori. Maybe my unstable emotions were the reason, but I'd feared that she could strike me down if I didn't have enough conviction to get what I wanted done.

It was the complete opposite with Kirito. I'd looked up to him as a role model back in those days when the lower Floors were being cleared. I would notice him from time to time, accompanied with rumours of him being so powerful since he was a solo player. At the back of my mind, I strived to be as strong as him.

Alexis and Meghan didn't hide their softness when they saw Asuna, but reverted back to their stern faces. They probably didn't want to face Asuna in this way.

"As you may have deduced already, we're not trying to start a brawl here," Misuko started off. "We're here to talk. And I believe that you clearly know what we're going to cover today."

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