Ishani was waiting infront of the goel mansion for the aaransh and aahan's school bus. The bus arrived and both little kids ran to her.

"How was day" she asked them helding both of their hands

"Didi you know, today we drew a house and coloured it" aaransh said smiling at her

"And teacher took us to to garden also we played together and enjoyed many swings" aahan added

"Wow you had fun today"
She took them inside, changed their Clothes, washed their hands and face them gave them lunch.
After lunch they were playing in the hall with toys. Toys were scattered in the hall. They were playing when, Ishani saw vedant coming with a beautiful girl . She was really beautiful her long silky hairs, big doe eyes, pink plumpy lips with a hourglass body, looking like an movie actress. She was holding her arm tightly and Ishani felt a little bad.

"Oh I am coming here after a long time" the girl exclaimed to him.

"Yes it's almost ten years" he replied

Ishani thought that he will say some to her or at least smile at her but she was wrong he didn't even acknowledge  her.

"I will introduce these two to you, aaransh and aahan come here" Vedant called them

They were playing with her but seeing their chachu( uncle) they ran to him.

"This is aahan and this is aaransh aaditya Bhai's ( brother's) son" he introduced them

"And this is navya aunty, my best friend" as he said these words she lightly hit his arms " I am not an aunty, call me didi( elder sister) ok" she said and they all giggled.
"Ok aunty oops didi" aaransh said

Ishani was feeling like an outcast at this time.
"You go and fresh up I will show you the guest room" he said to navya

"No i there is no need i freshen up in the hotel room after that I came to your office"

Vedant's phone rang.
"You wait here it's dad call"

Both the kids again ran to Ishani again for playing they were sitting on the mat on the ground. Navya sat on the sofa near them and dialled a number

"Yes mom I reached, you know mom vedant left an important meeting for only me,  I will try to win everyone's heart here, but you just have to talk about vedant and mine marriage when you come here next month, yes mom I asked him and he said yes" she cut

the call kids were busy in playing but Ishani heard it and it felt like her world has been shattered. But she didn't understand why she felt bad she knew she and vedant can't be one it's forbidden. They are poles apart and in front of this girl she nothing. She is everything a guy wants rich successful pretty. She tried hard to stop her tears but she was unsuccessful in this

" Wait a minute babies" she told the kids and ram from their
"He easily said yes to the marriage" she thought in her mind.

Vedant came after attending call. His eyes were searching for a particular someone but she was not there

"Where did she go " he thought

"So tonight's plan is done na we will go on a dinner" navya asked him

"No I am not sure"

"This is cheating I was telling mom just now that i asked you for dinner and you said yes"

"We will see it" he said while looking for her

Navya snapped in front of her
" where are you lost man"

"Nowhere I was just , nothing, so tell me hows life going"

"It's not good without you" she made a sad face

"Okay so shift back in India, best friend"

"I am thinking of that only" she said leaning closer to him. She wrapped her hands around his arms and her head on his shoulder.

" Come baby it's time to take a nap" Ishani called the kids heari her voice he turned around to get one glance of her. She said com closer to kids.
"You both go i will bring all your toys" she said and the kids ran to the room and she started putting the the toys in the big bag.
Navya and Vedant were sitting in same position. He was angry with Ishani for her behaviour with him yesterday so he was ignoring her.

"Did you cry" he asked her with his Stern face
She looked at him with her red eyes. He wanted to hug and console her but he controlled himself
"You don't have to care about it"


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House of cardsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora