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"GLAD TO SEE YOU DOING WELL, Y/N-SAN!" a loud voice boomed into the room

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"GLAD TO SEE YOU DOING WELL, Y/N-SAN!" a loud voice boomed into the room.

"Tengen-sama, you may want to lower your voice a bit. Y/N-san just recovered and I think you should give her some peace," said a kind and gentle voice.

"WAAHHHHHH Y/N-SAN I THOUGHT YOU'D DIEEEEEE" another loud female voice cried.

A certain woman with yellow bangs slapped the owner of the voice at the back of her head, "QUIET DOWN, WILL YOU? DID YOU NOT HEAR WHAT HINATSURU SAID? BESIDES THAT, STOP SAYING OMINOUS THINGS ABOUT Y/N-SAN!"

Seeing the four, Y/N let out a happy smile and beamed at them, "Hi Uzui-san, Hinatsuru-san, Makio-san and Suma-san!"

"I've told you many times, Y/N. Just call me Tengen."

"Ok then, Tengen-san!" Y/N lets out a small smile. The way his name rolled on her tongue was as smooth as butter that made him blush while his wives just looked at him teasingly. "What's wrong, Tengen-sama?"

"N-nothing is wrong. If it's possible, could you three leave the both of us alone for a moment?" Tengen asked. Looking at each other, his wives understood what he meant and left the room.

Y/N curiously tilted her head, she wondered what Tengen wanted to do. Looking at her tilting her head innocently, Tengen couldn't help but adore her.

"What's the matter, Tengen-san?"

Tengen held Y/N's hand tightly in his and put it on his chest.

Surprised by Tengen's action, Y/N grew a bit flustered at the unexpected move and asked, "What is it, Tengen-san?"

The moment Y/N asked, Tengen asked her seriously, "Do you know how much I worried about you when I heard your news of being injured?"

Y/N didn't know what to say as she looked down, not meeting Tengen's gaze. Seeing Y/N avoiding his gaze, Tengen tilted her chin towards him which left her no choice but to look at him.

"Look at me, Y/N." He ordered, but gently.

"I'm sorry for worrying you, I didn't mean to.." Y/N muttered an apology as she felt guilty for making people feel bad about her own injury.

Sighing, Tengen released her chin and pulled her into a hug which caused her head to sink into his chest. He could care less whether or not the girl could hear his rapid heartbeat, he just wanted to hug her tight and protect her at all costs.

After releasing the hug, he began to talk to Y/N about an upcoming mission.

"There seems to be an uppermoon lurking around in the Red Light District."

Y/N frowned upon hearing that, for she heard that the district was rather busy at night, which was a good distraction for the people to not notice the man-eating demons.

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