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"Caw, caw! Moon Hashira Y/N L/N, please report to the demon slayer head quarters immediately."

Y/N sighed as she bid goodbye to her good friend Mitsuri.

"Well, this is my cue to go. Thanks for having me,"

"No problem, Y/N-san! You are welcome here anytime!"

Y/N smiled as she patted Mitsuri's head and departed for the demon slayer headquarters.

"Oh? Its Y/N-san!" stated the flame hashira, happily.

"You've been summoned too, huh?" Y/N asked, surprised to see the flame hashira.

"Indeed! It looks like there will be one of the twelve kizukis this time, given that two hashiras are summoned for this mission."

Deep in thought, Y/N just hummed as a response. Hopefully, no lives will be risked.

"My dear children, I see that you are doing well so far?" the gentle voice said.

"Yes, Oyakata-sama." Both hashiras responded in unison.

"I have faith in the both of you, for you are one of the strongest swordsmen that I have known. Take care and be careful, my dear children."

"Thank you for your blessing, we will not disappoint you." the duo replied.

The both of them were ready to leave when they spotted Shinobu in the headquarters.

"Heading out for a mission?" shinobu asked.

"Ah, if it isn't Kocho. Yes, we are going on a mission," Rengoku replied.

"Hm, given how they sent two hashiras, one can only assume that this demon is not easy. Please take care and don't get killed, the both of you," shinobu warned.

"We will be extra careful. Plus if I really get hurt, I trust that I will be in good hands, no?" Y/N teased as she winked at Shinobu.

"Don't be a tease, Y/N-san. I am serious," said Shinobu as she almost stuttered, trying hard to not be flustered.

"We'll be on our way then, see you soon, Kocho!" Rengoku exclaimed.

"See you then, don't get killed, you both."

Both hashiras were on the train, enjoying the bentos that they got from saving a girl earlier. Well.. the meal was accompanied by Rengoku's constant shouting of "UMAI!" with every bite he takes. He was just so enthusiastic about the food that he somehow failed to notice the Kamaboko squad.

"Ah, Tanjiro-san, Zenitsu-san, Inosuke-san," Y/N called as she waved her hands towards them, signalling them to come over.

Upon seeing the moon hashira, Tanjiro's face immediately light up as a response and beamed. Y/N can feel her eyes getting blinded by the sight of Tanjiro beaming. Not gonna lie, Y/N couldn't see Tanjiro in another light after discovering how hard his forehead was. He even let Y/N to test it out as a cutting board. All Y/N could say was that his forehead was a certified 5 star cutting board.

"Y/N-SANNNNNNN" a loud voice boomed, which obviously belonged to none other but Zenitsu.

"Keep it down, Zenitsu. You are disturbing the other passengers in the train," Tanjiro shushed as he smelled the scent of some passengers being uncomfortable.

"Hi, Zenitsu-san," Y/N greeted back politely.

"Ah, did you see that? Y/N-san greeted me back! I'm so in loveeeeeeeeee. Please marry me, Y/N-san," Zenitsu said as he wooed over Y/N like a jello.

Y/N being Y/N said, "I'm afraid not, Zenitsu-san. I am not interested in marrying you."

That statement certainly did not mean any harm, but Zenitsu kind of took it the wrong way and froze in shock. The others just held in their laughter to avoid making the poor boy feeling worse. Strangely, Tanjiro felt relieved when Y/N rejected Zenitsu's proposal. Tanjiro knew that it was completely normal for Zenitsu to ask someone's hand in marriage, but he couldn't help but feel his stomach turn at the sight of you getting married to Zenitsu. But eh, you rejected him anyways.

Tanjiro then sat beside Rengoku and asked him questions regarding the Hinokami Kagura breathing. Rengoku replied everything with full energy and enthusiasm, and he even invited Tanjiro to become his tsuguko. Zenitsu just sweatdropped at the scene and thought to himself, 'what a weird guy.' Meanwhile, Inosuke was just busy staring out the window.

As soon as the train started moving, Inosuke got excited and opened the window.





Y/N just watched the scene unfold in front her while peacefully sipping the tea she prepared beforehand. Well, a little bit of chaos now would be okay, because a quiet Inosuke and Zenitsu would totally not be normal at all. Just when things could get any worse, Rengoku added fuel to the fire.

"It's dangerous! I don't know when the demon's gonna appear!"

This made Zenitsu screamed even louder. What's worse was that Rengoku started reporting to him about the amount of cases of people disappearing on this train, including the fact that swordsmen were sent to investigate but none of them came back. This did not help ease Zenitsu's mood at all.

Y/N sighed, feeling her head slightly throbbed at the scene. It was getting loud.

"Don't worry, Zenitsu-san. I trust your ability to keep us all safe. Besides that, you are not alone, aren't you? You have us," Y/N stated calmly, in hopes of making the blonde to worry less.

Zenitsu just looked at Y/N with a tear coming out from his eye, and proceeded to give out a huge smile, "Of course, Y/N-san is going to protect me, right?"

Y/N just said nothing and gave him a smile.


"That depends, Zenitsu-san. Of course I will still protect you, but if we were forced to be separated you will have to protect yourself," Y/N stated a fact, which didn't exactly help calm down Zenitsu.


"QUIET DOWN ZENITSU-SAN, CAN'T YOU SEE YOU'RE MAKING Y/N-SAN UNCOMFORTABLE?" Tanjiro scolded as he stopped Zenitsu from giving Y/N another round of severe headache ft dizziness.

Zenitsu let go of Y/N immediately, only to see birds flying in her eyes with her pupils going around.

"I love jam kekekeke..." Y/N cackled as her mind was currently not straight. Tanjiro just sweatdropped at the sight of Y/N being like this.

Just then, a frail and sick looking man walked in and stared gloomily, "I.. will check.. your tickets....." Y/N quickly regained her composure and sat straight, waiting for her turn.

"Oh, what's this?" Tanjiro asked, being curious of what's happening.

"The conductor is coming around to check your tickets and punch holes in them!" Rengoku replied, enthusiastic as always.

Tanjiro suddenly smelled a malicious scent, indicating that there was something wrong. Y/N gripped her katana tight, in case something happens and she could protect everyone. Rengoku too realised something was wrong and stood up to defend the conductor.

"Conductor! It's dangerous, so stand down. It's an emergency, so please don't ask why i have a sword on me," after saying that, Rengoku went ahead and killed the demon.

"Breathe of flames, first style: sea of fire!" And the demon's head was sliced off.

"Ah, as expected from Rengoku-san. Looks like my job is done for now," Y/N sighed out but also never failed to be impressed by Rengoku's power. Seeing how amazing Rengoku was when he killed the demon, Tanjiro begged Rengoku to take him in as a tsuguko. Zenitsu and Inosuke also did the same thing. Together, the three of them (kind of?) Floated around Rengoku in s circle, chanting "Rengoku aniki! Aniki!" while Rengoku just stood there and laughed. Y/N just sweatdropped at the four of them and wondered if these people are mentally stable.

Not long after, the four fell asleep soundly after a round of chanting. Sleepiness soon took over Y/N as she too fell asleep.

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