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As the group made their way back to the cruise ship after consoling the boys following their loss, a sense of contentment washed over them. They knew that they had done everything they could to support and uplift the boys during their time of disappointment. The weight of the day's events began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of calm and satisfaction. They were grateful for the opportunity to have been there for the team, providing comfort and encouragement when they needed it the most.

With the boys taken care of emotionally, the group's attention turned to the surprise they had planned at the hotel. Excitement buzzed through their veins as they discussed the final details, ensuring that everything was in place to make it a memorable experience for the boys.

They knew that the surprise would serve as a much-needed distraction and a way to uplift the boys' spirits. It was a chance to create new memories and remind them that they were loved and appreciated, regardless of the outcome of the match.

As the England team stepped off the bus, still clad in their England tracksuits, the heavy atmosphere of disappointment and loss surrounded them. Overwhelmed by their emotions, the boys followed the hotel staff towards the dining hall, confused as to why they were going to eat without freshening up.

With each step, anticipation grew, and their confusion turned into curiosity. As the two staff members opened the double doors to the dining area, the boys' eyes widened in awe. The hall was adorned with twinkling fairy lights, creating a magical ambiance.

The hotel staff guided each member of the team, including the coach and staff, to their designated seats. As they settled down, the rest of the lights in the hall were switched off, leaving only the soft glow of the fairy lights. Suddenly, a massive projector screen appeared, capturing their attention.

In an instant, silence gave way to a heartwarming video compilation. The screen came alive with images of England fans from all walks of life, expressing their love, support, and appreciation for the team, regardless of the outcome. The video showcased heartfelt messages, gratitude, and admiration.

As the video played, the emotions within the hall intensified. Some fans were captured on camera shedding tears of pride, overwhelmed by the dedication and effort shown by the boys on the field. Their tears mirrored the deep connection and unbreakable bond between the team and their loyal supporters.

The video compilation was a testament to the impact the England team had on their fans. It was a reminder that their journey went beyond wins and losses, inspiring a nation and uniting people through their passion for the sport.

The boys, sitting in the dimly lit hall, watched the heartfelt messages with a mix of emotions. Gratitude filled their hearts as they realized the impact, they had on so many lives. The weight of disappointment began to lift, replaced by a profound sense of pride and appreciation for their fans.

In that moment, the team felt an outpouring of love and support from the fans who stood by them through thick and thin. The video compilation became a source of motivation, reminding them of their purpose and reigniting their determination to keep pushing forward.

As the video came to an end, the hall erupted in applause. It was a collective celebration of the unwavering bond between the England team and their fans. The boys, still in their England tracksuits, felt a renewed sense of purpose and a deepened connection to those who believed in them.

With hearts full of gratitude and inspiration, the team knew that their journey was not over. They would carry the love and support of their fans with them, using it as fuel to continue striving for greatness on the field and making their nation proud.

As more hotel staff members arrived, carrying plates of food, the confusion among the team grew. Each member received a different dish, leaving them puzzled. However, their confusion quickly turned into surprise and joy as they noticed small cards placed next to their plates.

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