4. That's my sister

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Trent's Pov.
 Seeing my baby sister Aria sitting alongside Mrs. Bellingham in the field brought immense joy to my heart. It had been a whole year since we last saw each other, as Aria had been dedicating herself to playing for the England National netball team. I couldn't help but smile, overwhelmed with pride for my sister and her dedication to her sport.

I knew firsthand the sacrifices and hard work required to excel in their respective sports. As I watched Aria perform admirably, I couldn't help but feel a sense of regret for not being able to support her the way she always supported me. Nevertheless, I was immensely proud of her accomplishments and the way she had been shining on the netball court.

After the jubilant celebrations on the field, with the supportive fans and families, the team made their way to the locker room. We gathered our belongings before boarding the team bus, which would take us back to the hotel. The physical and emotional toll of the day's hard work left us all in need of some recovery time.

Hours passed as the team completed our post-match routine, including a meal together. Once our obligations were fulfilled, we went our separate ways, each seeking rest. However, Jude and I shared a room, our camaraderie extending beyond the pitch.

As we settled into their shared space, I couldn't help but appreciate the bond I had formed with Jude. Our shared experiences, both on and off the field, had solidified our friendship. We understood the demands of our profession and the sacrifices required to reach the pinnacle of our sport.

In our room, the exhaustion of the day began to fade, replaced by a sense of comfort and familiarity. We knew we could rely on each other for support, encouragement, and understanding. As we both prepared for a peaceful night's sleep, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for the friendship I shared with Jude, a friendship that had become an integral part of my journey and despite his young age, he was incredibly wise.

As I lay in bed, ready to close my eyes for the night, a sudden memory flashed in my mind — the way Jude and Aria had embraced each other. It sparked a curiosity within me, prompting me to inquire about their connection. Aware of Aria's rising fame as England's Youngest Netball Star, I doubt that Jude paid much attention to anything beyond his football and the current transfer rumors swirling around him.

Summoning the courage, I turned to Jude and asked, "Hey mate, how do you know Aria?" I could hear Jude groan slightly as he sat up, clearly taken aback by the question. "Well, she's your girlfriend, and yesterday she spent the day with my mum, and being a friend of my mum, I decided to greet her with a hug. Although, I apologize if I crossed any boundaries," Jude explained, his face flushed with mild embarrassment.

I couldn't help but burst into a fit of laughter at Jude's response. "Aww, no, mate! I didn't mean for it to sound like an interrogation. But wait, what? No, that's my baby sister! Are you mad?" I exclaimed, still chuckling between my words. Jude joined in the laughter, realizing the humorous situation we found ourselves in. "She is rather 'Leng,' I-" Jude started to say, but I quickly interrupted, "Don't even finish that sentence, Jude Victor William Bellingham, I swear to God!" Our laughter continued, filling the room with a lighthearted atmosphere.

As our laughter subsided, Jude and I continued our conversation, sharing stories and experiences from respective thoughts about today's game. We bonded over our love for our sports and the challenges we faced along the way. Our friendship remained steadfast, strengthened by the shared understanding and the ability to find joy in the simplest of moments The exhaustion of the day eventually caught up with us, and we drifted off to sleep, still smiling at the fact that we made it to the finals.

In my dreams, the laughter lingered, intertwining with the excitement of the World Cup and the weight of the decisions that lay ahead. 


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