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okay okay we're like halfway thru the plot ...


gyuvin found himself calling ricky's mom, mom again. it felt weird to be being so comfortable with them when they've just met about 3 weeks ago.

to be honest, all this just seems crazy to gyuvin. to having a small crush on ricky again, to jeonghyeon asking him out, to getting beat up by his own father's people, now living at the shens house. gosh, even he sounds crazy. who would believe you if you said "oh yeah, i have a crush on this dude i met but i knew him since we were in diapers, but im taken by someone else.. it's complicated."

thats exactly what gyuvin said to his friends.

"wait, so you don't like jeonghyeon?" zhang hao asked, confused. like seriously, what happened to gyuvin who was so flustered when jeonghyeons around or show the slightest attention to him? gosh this boy to be honest.

gyuvin shook his head, "no no! i still love hyeon. it's just that... this guy i developed a little crush on... we've known eachother for much longer and ive had a crush on him since forever." it's true though. he still loved jeonghyeon dearly. but ricky have been here first, and you cant blame gyuvin for still having a little crush on ricky after what just happened.

gunwook was even more confused now. "so like.. you're seeing ricky in private?" it's basically cheating. but in this friendgroup of bottoms, cheating with reasons is acceptable. but if youre just plain cheating on a dude then it's immediately getting kicked outta the group.

"yes! but it's different. you guys know that my parents are absolute insane people, they beat me and ricky up and then ricky SAVED me and now im staying at his house with his mom."

the whole room was silent.

wait. thats the cafeteria.

the whole cafeteria.

gyuvin sunk back to his seat, "oh shit."


for the next few days, gyuvin wasn't seen at school. ricky was getting bombarded with useless and stupid questions, the friend group was worried. it was chaos.

rumours spread, saying ricky was dating gyuvin and gyuvin was cheating on jeonghyeon.

the chinese boy had to take a deep breath, and take a day off of school.

and fucks sake, he took gyuvin with him. cause why not? its not like anyone will say anything worse than "they're dating!" ricky rolled his eyes everytime he heard people in the hallways whispering shit they cant confirm.

although, deep down, ricky wanted them to be true.

"vin, lets go." gyuvin looked hesitant to get on the motorbike. considering its his first time ever going on it. ricky chuckled. "come on you big baby, ill help you." the younger smiled and hopped on.

slowly, gyuvin wrapped his arms around rickys waist and leaned against his back. the older held a slight smirk. "ready?"



for the rest of the day, the two boys spent their days shopping and just eating. it was probably the best night the two had for a while.

"i wish we could do this more often, ri." gyuvin sighed whilst sipping at his mango smoothie, looking at the other whos silently scrolling through his phone whilst also sipping at his strawberry milkshake.

"hmm." ricky hummed and continued scrolling on his phone. they were in a mall and were walking around trying to find something to look at. honestly, the mall was pretty boring. its only some bland clothes and stuff, nothing much.

until gyuvin found a specific shop that pulled his attention.

"HYUNG! please please please we NEED to try this booth out."

ricky took his attention away from the phone and looked up to see a camera booth. he smiled and tucked his phone in his pocket and walked straight up to the booth with gyuvin.

"eek!! theres even some cute accessories!!" the chinese boy looked sideways to the younger, who's enthusiastically pointing and trying out different accessories and stuff. his cute button nose and round eyes who are filled with sparkles and his rosy cheeks.

gosh, ricky was in love.

that its kinda gross.

whenever gyuvins around, he would immediately feel warmed up, like life was inside him again. that hes alive. ricky doesnt know how this 19 year old korean boy does it, but he does and its working effectively.

at the end, gyuvin put on some dog ears and forced ricky to put on some cat ones. they both posed for the first picture with ricky doing an awkward peace sign and gyuvin hugging rickys neck and trying to give the older a cheek kiss.

for the second picture, ricky squished gyuvins cheeks playfully trying to shut the boy up. it was unintentional but still, wholesome and cute.

the last picture, ricky doesn't know why he was feeling the need to kiss gyuvin. he just did. as gyuvin was picking some accessories for the last picture, ricky looked at the screen and there was a 5 second countdown.






ricky grabbed gyuvins head and pulled him into a kiss. it was sweet and short. a simple peck.


gyuvin pulled away first. "hyung..?" he looked at the older, whos looking at the floor.

"im sorry." ricky muttered, gyuvin barely hearing the chinese boy but still, he smiled and hugged ricky and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"its okay silly." the younger boy chuckled, it wasn't the first time they even kissed with love meaning behind the kiss anyway.


"hyung, what do you think kissing someone would feel like ?" 10 year old gyuvin asked. the boy playing with his cards looked up at the younger and gave him a small smile.

"i dont know actually. mom says that we kiss someone when we are in love though."

gyuvin's heart was pounding. "well.. do you wanna try and kiss eachother?" causing the olders head to turn to him, taking his attention off of the cards he was arranging.


"i mean, without any feelings. i'm just curious on how it would feel kissing someone." the korean was sweating so hard, gosh.

ricky chuckles and got up from the couch, inching towards the younger boy and cupped gyuvin's face.

"are you sure you want to do this, vinnie?" shit. ricky is doing the triangle method. no way to back out now.

the boy nodded and looked up with anticipation, waiting for ricky to kiss him and forget whatever just happened.

ricky kissed him, a light, sweet peck. it felt like it lasted for seconds, minutes. i dont know, hours? gyuvin didnt pay attention, he stared at the olders eyes widly and kissed back.

"there, happy?" ricky gave gyuvin a small smile and patted his head, leaving to go play with his cards again.

stupid, stupid ricky.


back again... (i might be making another haobin fic)

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