Chapter 33: Bellamy Blake.

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, as alike as a jungle cat and a bowl of pudding." I replied, rolling my eyes.

"You're a reject, I'm a reject. Your parents were killed, so were mine. You've killed people and were judged for it, and so have I."

I held my hands up in half disgust, half shock. "Woah, hold up there ya' idgit. First off, some people around here actually like me, unlike you. Secondly, only my dad was killed, not my mom. And thirdly, the only reason I even killed Kalel is because he was holding a fucking knife to my neck."

"Deny it all you want, you know it's the truth." He shrugged, before walking off.

"What a fucking lunatic." I muttered under my breath, looking at Murphy's retreating back.

"Talking about yourself?" Jasper's humor filled voice sounded from behind me.

"Oh yeah totally." I smiled at him, "what's up J?"

He shrugged, "not much."

"Story of my life." I grumbled, "wanna do something fun?"

"Like what?"

"I dunno, throw pebbles at Bellamy?" I suggested slyly, gazing round the camp.

"Yeah cause that won't get us exiled." Jasper said, "wanna check out the camp boundaries with me instead?"

Bellamy's warnings of not leaving the camp flashed through my brain before I discarded them, it would only be two steps from the exit.

"Sure." I agreed, with a nod.

I matched his steps as we dawdled around the area just outside camp, supposedly 'checking the boundaries'. And hours later we were actually trying to name the most famous people from a while back.

"I call... That guy who played Spock." I said, staring up at the blue sky.

"You can't call that!" Jasper protested, frowning at me. "You have to say his name."

I rolled my eyes in response, "but I don't know his name."

"I am so ashamed of you right now."

"You're such a nerd Jasper."

"And you're crazy."

"Do you smell burning?"

He did smell burning.

It was the food tent.

Somebody had burnt all of our fucking food.

Minus the apples.

Hah, I win. Bellamy should thank me and my business.


As the sun gracefully fled from the sky, I sought out Bellamy.

It wasn't that hard, he was the one having a bitch fit over the hunting parties that hadn't returned.

"What's up buttercup?" I quipped, laying a hand on his shoulder hoping he would de-tense.

He didn't.

"Finn, Clarke and Myles aren't back." He said, turning his dark gaze to me.

I noticed Carter and Raven standing there, looking worried yet fierce.

"Okay, so we'll go find them?" I said, my eyebrows furrowing together.

What was so hard about that?

"There are grounders out there." Bellamy said.

"All the more reason to find our friends." I pointed out, finally pulling my hand away from him.

I saw Bellamy's jaw clench before he nodded. "We'll look, but you're staying here."

"God dammit Bell." I growled, "not this again."

"I'm serious Rae. Not after last time, you're staying here." He said firmly, "go to bed, get some sleep. We'll be back soon."

"You think I'm gonna sleep while you guys are out there possibly dying?" I shook my head, "you're crazy."

"Yeah maybe, but at least you'll be safe."

"As safe as I can be while I'm stuck in a grounder filled forest with a bunch of criminals." I drawled sarcastically, "yeah how reassuring."

I folded my arms over my chest as Bellamy stance changed completely, all hostility dropped away and I was left looking at the same Bellamy I'd seen upon my return from my visit to grounder heaven.

"Stay." His tone was almost begging, and the softer side of me was yielding slowly but surely.

I glared at him for a moment before sighing, "fine." I mumbled, letting my arms drop back to my sides, "for you."

"Thank you." He said before clearing his throat and returning his attention to Carter and Raven, who were both wearing identical smirks, "we need to go now."

I zoned out and trudged off back to my own tent, kicking at the dirt beneath my feet.

Why on earth did Bellamy Blake have this effect on me?

Was it the deep brown eyes with all the little flecks?

Was it the muscles and tanned skin?

Was it the ruffled, dark hair that was so nice to run my fingers through?

Maybe it was everything.

The biting personality that made everyday a challenge, the cute smile that appeared every now and then, the rough exterior and mushy interior.

These thoughts followed me through the camp, into my tent, and stayed with me as I lay on my bed staring up at the ceiling of my tent.

Every little aspect of Bellamy went through my mind. Every tiny detail about his physique, every little tick that I'd noticed, all his actions, the way he planned things, his boring speeches, everything.

And hours later, when all that could be heard outside was hushed conversations and owls hooting, that was when it clicked.

I was falling in love with Bellamy Blake.

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