Chapter 32: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.

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I know, I know, it's about time. Sorry for the delay guys! So without further ado, chapter 32.


Chapter 32 : A picture is worth a thousand words.

I didn't sleep.

I didn't even try.

I ended up sitting outside, watching the few clumps of people that were still awake talk among themselves.

It wasn't until the sun rose and was well in the sky that someone sat next to me.


"Hey O." I greeted, "how's it going?"

I could feel the waves of concern melded with awkwardness pulsing off of her.

"I'm okay." She said, almost hesitantly.


Before Octavia had time to voice whatever she was thinking, Bellamy strode over, a set look on his face.

"They blew up the bridge." He said, more to Octavia than to me.

"Blew it up? Boom?" I asked, slightly confused.

Bellamy nodded, "boom."

"So we're not gonna have long then." Octavia said, a small frown appearing on her face.

"Probably not no." Bellamy agreed, "I've briefed most of the people on what's going to be happening."

"Sorrow sets as the looming war commences." I quoted part of a poem I once read by a guy called J. C. Lowen.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Bellamy asked, his eyes finally meeting mine.

I mutely shook my head, "I've gotta help."

"I think we got it covered." Bellamy said, his jaw tensing.

He was looking at me like I was about to break. I hated it.

I was so tempted to punch him in the face just to prove that I wasn't a china doll.

"Actually I have something she can do!" Carter appeared by Bellamy's side, a huge grin on her face.

"You do?" Bellamy and I asked at the same time.

Although our tones were completely different, mine was more surprised and pleased whereas Bellamy's was bordering on annoyed.

"Yes, come with me Evans." She ordered, turning and walking back the way she'd come.

I immediately stood up and moved past Bellamy, but not before he held out his arm to stop me.

"Don't over do it."

I nodded, slightly exasperated, "I'll be fine."

Almost reluctantly, Bellamy allowed me to pass and join Carter in a small tent along with Raven, who nodded in greeting.

"So why is it you've gathered us here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at Carter's excited face.

"Yeah, some of us have jobs you know." Raven said, a half smile playing on her face. I noticed she looked more subdued than usual, but didn't comment on it.

"This is why you're here." Carter said, brandishing a strange looking object from a bag.

"And what exactly is that?" I said, frowning at it.

Carter's grin, if possible, grew bigger. "This, my dear friends, is a camera."

"That's a camera?" Raven said curiously, stepping closer and taking it from the blonde's hands.

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