Hiking And A Picnic

Start from the beginning

We finally made it to the hiking spot and decided that we would be having the picnic first since the hiking trial would take at least about 2 hours, given by how high the bridges are on top of the waterfall. Miko instantly ran to look at said waterfall first so she could take a few selfies.

The rest of us walked over to the picnic area and I saw a huge tree that would've made a good spot so I grabbed the blanket out of my backpack and set it on the ground. There was a small playground too so Fracture took his two minicons to play while we set everything up.

"Okay so before we do anything we gotta spray this on. It's bug repellent. It'll prevent us from getting bitten by any annoying bugs." You took out the bug spray and showed them so they understood.

"Can it repel a certain crab here? He's as annoying as a bug." Thunderhoof complained. I glared at him. "No. It only gets rid of mosquitos, spiders and other small things. And be nice to Clampdown for once will ya?"

Anyway you then sprayed some on yourself first then handed it to Jack and so on until everyone used it.

"Oh and here. Put on some hand sanitizer too. It's always good to have clean hands before you eat."  you said as you grabbed it out of your backpack. 

After they were done you set out the plates as well as the snacks and had them all out nicely organized in the middle. There were chips, cookies, and pretzels.

"I think everything is ready now. Someone get Fracture, Airazor and Divebomb to come back. Give them the bug repellent and hand sanitizer too."

 Steeljaw went to the playground to find him while you handed out the sandwiches to everyone. 

"So uh, what is all of this stuff?" Clampdown asks. "And are we just gonna sit here doing nothing?"

"It's a picnic crab bot. Families or groups of friends usually have one together. You just relax and enjoy nature." Miko explained.  "And you can also run around and play sports." Raf added. Now that he mentioned it, I did bring a small bouncy ball just in case. 

"Alright let's play some lobbing!" Underbite clapped his hands together. "Lobbing?" I questioned. "It's a cybertronian sport. Our friends used to play it." Jack said. "Friends? Wait- did you guys-" Miko cut me off. "Alright let's play!


"You can ask questions later! Come on Y/N let's go!" She grabbed my hand and we all got up. Sigh, I guess I'll just ask them later.

Everyone split into two teams. The humans were on one side accompanied by Fracture and his two minicons. The other team had Steeljaw, Underbite, Clampdown and Thunderhoof.

"You're going down cons!" Miko shouted.

"We'll see about that." Steeljaw smirked. "Just don't try to kill us. You guys are a lot stronger than us so throw carefully." I warned them

He was the first to throw the ball and hit it to our side. Divebomb immediately jumped up and caught the ball. He then threw it towards Thunderhoof and he caught the ball easily too. The ball was thrown to Jack but he missed and that scored the other side a point.

"Sorry about that." He apologized. I patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry. This is just for fun." I assured him.

He grabbed the ball then threw it to Clampdown. Surprisingly he caught it. Clampdown threw the ball back, aiming at me and I was able to catch it.

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