only heros

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Hawkmoth summoned a butterfly to his hand, closing his fingers around the insect, dark energy pouring into the creature, corrupting it. 

there was a part of him that had given up on trying to bring Emily back. Afterall... he'd lost so much trying to get back something that was already gone. His son was a shell of himself, the one thing he hadn't yet loss he was himself destroying. He finally understood what ladybug had meant when she told him that even if he won and got their jewels how he would still lose in the end... it took her death and the death of his son's friend for him to realize exactly how much he had been willing to give up just to bring back someone he had already said goodbye too. 

He wasn't trying to save Emily anymore. he wasn't really sure what he was trying to do... maybe he'd finally grown a conscious, maybe he felt like he owed ladybug something... but as he stood in his butterfly filled observatory, he made a decision that clawed down deep into his chest and itched at his rib cage. He was going to get the miraculous from chat Noir...

but this time he wouldn't make a wish for himself... he wouldn't make one at all. 

he would release the cat from the burden of guarding the ladybug miraculous, and he would try to do right by the holder. Afterall, there wasn't another human alive that knew more about the Kwami's and their powers. maybe he could fix some of his mistakes... take back some regrets? maybe he could do a lot with the ladybug jewel. maybe he would be able to figure out who ladybug was... maybe the family whose daughter had suddenly vanished could have closure... and Paris could celebrate her sacrifices. maybe he could even save her without making a wish

hawkmoth had been researching the miraculous ever since he first discovered them, and he'd learnt very quickly that the miraculous store aspects of their holders, so even thousands or even millions of years later you might find a fragment of a past hero, generally this worked through a process called 'reunion' but he'd started exploring other methods of communication that seemed promising.... that seemed more real. 

it was a rushed decision, but it was also a sure one, he flicked open his hand allowing the little butterfly to float above his palm. 

"akuma" he whisper "possess chat-"

no... chat Noir would kill the Akuma immediately, but... there was another hurting soul. angry and distraught, grieving and hopeless... someone who never wanted to see the ladybug miraculous again. 

"Akuma" hawkmoth grinned "find Luka coffaine" 


Luka sat up in his hospital bed, his mother and father's worry had finally subsided, and they had now reached the point of berating him for not coming to them. his sister sat in an armchair at the furthest corner of the room, she sat motionless staring out the window, into the city though there wasn't much of a view from the first floor. Luka wished she would say something to him... wished she would look at him... he wished that she would call him selfish or tell him that she's angry... anything to know that she still cared... that he hadn't destroyed their relationship... that she still wanted to be his sister. juleka had always been the quiet twin... which was saying something because he himself wasn't particularly loud... but he hated when she was quiet like this. it was a cold and unwelcoming quiet, not like her usual nervous jitters and mumbled speech.

Luka's parents were called out into the hall to talk to the doctors and he was left alone with his twin... he wanted her to say something... but she wouldn't... he knew she wouldn't... it didnt matter what he wanted, juleka wouldnt yell or berate him... she just wouldn't. 

"juleka..." Luka started "i'm so-"

"please don't" juleka whispered under her breath, something most people wouldnt hear but luka at this point had become quite use to.

I Hate Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now