Chapter 7: Noboru

Start from the beginning

"Ready for your briefing, Noboru?" Masato asked as the car hummed to life and pulled away from the prison.

"Go on," Noboru prompted, trying to squash the doubt gnawing at him.

"Your mission is twofold," Masato began, his voice taking on a serious tone. "First, you are to track and eliminate any threats to Japan and its people. And second, you must locate the stolen Mach so that the government can regain control of the program."

"Stolen Mach?" Noboru echoed, his curiosity piqued.

"Exactly." Masato reached into a compartment in the car and pulled out a small object that looked like a portable gaming device. "This is Mach 3. It's a very powerful weapon disguised as an everyday item so you can carry it anywhere."

Noboru took the device, turning it over in his hands, feeling the cool metal against his skin. The thought of wielding such power was both exhilarating and frightening.

"Before you're deployed," Masato continued, "you'll be trained on how to fully operate the Mach at our base. We want you to be comfortable with your new... partner."

Noboru studied the Mach 3 for a moment longer before nodding. "I'll do it. I'll be a pilot for this device." There was no turning back now. He had committed himself to this path, driven by justice, revenge, and the desire to protect others from suffering the same fate as his family.

"Excellent," Masato said, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "Welcome aboard, Noboru. Prepare yourself for one hell of a ride."


Weeks of rigorous training and constant monitoring pushed Noboru to his limits, but he emerged stronger than ever. The day had finally come when he was declared the first official Pilot of the Mach system by the Japanese government. With newfound purpose, he strode through the doors of the training facility, his Mach 3 securely tucked away in his pocket.

"Congratulations on completing your training," Masato said, clapping him on the shoulder. "Remember, you have permission to use the Mach for personal matters as well."

"Thank you, Masato," Noboru replied, trying not to let his eagerness show. He knew exactly how he'd use his Mach for personal reasons - seeking revenge on those responsible for his family's demise.

Noboru's first mission was a success, eliminating a dangerous gang that threatened the city's safety. His heart pounded with adrenaline as he returned home to his small, cramped apartment. Scattered across the cluttered table were notes, photographs, and newspaper articles - evidence of his relentless search for everyone involved in his family's murders.

A glimmer of satisfaction flickered in his eyes as he traced his finger over one name: Ro. After countless hours, he'd managed to locate the man who had set him up. Noboru grabbed his Mach and left the building, determination fueling each step.

Meanwhile, Ro stumbled down the street, slightly drunk from a night at the bars. He hummed to himself, swaying with the rhythm of the melody. In his intoxicated state, he spotted a beautiful young woman, seemingly just as drunk, stumbling into a quiet park. Intrigued, Ro followed her in, unaware of the danger lurking nearby.

As Ro ventured deeper into the park, he lost sight of the woman and found himself disoriented, unsure of his surroundings. A sudden movement caught his attention, and his blood ran cold at the sight of Noboru approaching with a predatory grace.

"Wha- what are you doing here?!" Ro stammered, panic coursing through his veins.

"Hello, Ro," Noboru replied coldly. "Time to pay for your sins."

Ro's survival instincts kicked in as he turned on his heels and sprinted away, desperately trying to escape the vengeful man. The once quiet park was now filled with the sounds of Ro's ragged breathing and pounding footsteps - a chase that would seal his fate.

Ro's legs burned with exertion, but he couldn't outrun the terror that clawed at his chest. He glanced back, searching for the vengeful specter of Noboru, but saw nothing. His breath hitched as relief washed over him. Maybe it was just a drunken hallucination?

Slowing down, Ro tried to catch his breath, each gasp rasping in the cool night air. He turned a corner and nearly jumped out of his skin when he collided with Noboru, who seemed to materialize out of thin air.

"Thought you could escape me, Ro?" Noboru's voice dripped with disdain, his eyes cold and unforgiving.

Before Ro could react, Noboru activated his Mach, and the two men shot into the sky. Ro's stomach lurched as they ascended; the park below them was reduced to a dark, shadowy abyss.

"Please!" Ro choked out, his fingers digging into Noboru's arm in a futile attempt to anchor himself. "I didn't want to do it! They made me!"

"Tell me who ordered the hit," Noboru demanded, his grip tightening around Ro's wrist.

"Okada, Yamazaki, Sato, and Watanabe," Ro blurted out, desperation etched on his face. "They said they'd kill me if I didn't follow their orders!"

"Good boy," Noboru sneered, his smile chilling. In the depths of Ro's eyes, he saw the same fear that must have consumed his wife and son in their final moments. It was a grim satisfaction, knowing that his family's murderer would experience that same dread.

"Wh-what now?" Ro stammered, his voice barely more than a whimper.

Noboru's smile widened as he released his grip on Ro, watching with detached interest as the man plummeted toward the ground. The wind ripped Ro's screams away, leaving only the sound of his heart pounding in his ears.

Noboru hovered above, savoring the sight of retribution. His family was gone, but at least their killer had paid the price. He knew, however, that this was just the beginning. Four names – four more people who would feel the sting of justice.

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