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I Was in my Dreams when I suddenly Woke up my alarm ringing I rub my eyes lightly and slowly get up and sat on my bed and checked my phone after a while I slowly got Down the Bed and
Pulled the curtains aside and was blinded by a ray of light gosh it's was sunny outside

I make myself to the washroom and hopped on the shower after I cover myself with a bathrobe after I was Done with my shower I slowly headed my way to the closet to pick my outfit for uni I finally picked my outfit after a long time after that I styled my hair extra cute today cause I have a lot of time to spare I put on some accessories
Put on my socks after I was Done satisfied with my look I put on a little makeup Not to Dark just Naturally



Makeup & hairstyle

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Makeup & hairstyle

Makeup & hairstyle

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I Went Downstairs and I grabbed my bag and put all my essentials in there I put on my shoes and locked my apartment Door and started walking I prefer to walk because my uni isn't that far from my apartment on the way I was hungry mainly cuz I was too Lazy to Cook I saw a cafe and went there to get some breakfast cuz ur girl is starving there wasn't a big of a line so I waited for like 5-8 minutes and finally it was my turn to order

Worker- Welcome to ×××× Cafe What would you like today ma'am.

Me- Umm I would like a breakfast sandwich and mik tea please.

Worker-Alright then anything else ma'am.

Me- That's it for today.

Worker-Alright then your total is ×× ma'am.

Me-Okay here you go.i said and handed her the Amount.

Worker-Here's your change Hope you have a nice day ma'am.

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