Home Invasion - Gerard x Reader

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mcr drummer!reader has her house broken into by a crazy fan...

[sorry Bob doesn't exist in this universe i replaced him with (y/n)]

Content Warning: Brief mentions of sexual assault/rape, knife, stalking, nightmares, porn mention.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I try my best to control my breathing; one hand on my heart, the other clutching my phone. Glancing down at the screen, I notice a text from Gerard:

sorry i missed ur call, everything ok?

I sighed, typing out my message.

Gee, can u call the police for me? there's a stranger parked across the road and i just got this text from an unknown number...

I attach a screenshot of the message; someone had taken a photo of my house from the street and sent it to me with the caption, anybody home? >:) . Gerard is quick to respond and a brief conversation ensues.

G: Fuck, calling police right away. Anyone else home?

no i'm alone :(

G: I'll be right over. Can you stay in a locked bedroom or a room that has some furniture you can barricade the door with?

yeah i've double locked the doors and windows, im in the walk in wardrobe rn because theres no windows, got a couple of lights on in the house but the light in here is off

G: Good thinking. I'm on my way. I've called the police and let them know, they will be there as fast as they can as well. Stay in the room. Just breathe, we're gonna figure this out.

I watch as Gerard's little status turns from green to orange, meaning he's driving. My phone lights up again, this time another text from the unknown number.

U: little pig little pig, let me come innnn

Fuckkk. I hear the sound of glass breaking downstairs. I clap my hands over my mouth. Hands trembling, I send Gerard another quick text:

Gee, i just heard a window shatter, im turning off my phone so the light and sound doesnt alert them of my location, bye love you

I double check to make sure my phone is on silent then place it face-down on the carpet, trying to hide the light. I glance up at the chair I've set up against the closet door, wishing I'd had time to make a stronger barricade. It's a small space; I couldn't get any heavy furniture inside. I turned off all the lights at this end of the house though, so hopefully that will be enough of a deterrent. Fuck, did I lock the bedroom door? Oh well, maybe this crazy guy will interpret an unlocked door as a sign that I'm hiding somewhere else.I hear footsteps creep through the house.

"(y/nnnnnn)," an unknown male voice growls. "Come out come out wherever you are! I just wanna see your pretty face."

Christ, sometimes I hate being in a band and getting attention from the public eye, it attracts crazy fans like this. Sirens wail in the distance. pleasepleaseplease come soon. The footsteps become louder as the man approaches, the hollow sound of steel-capped boots on the tile floor reverberating around the house. There's a pause and a creak as he turns the doorknob to my bedroom. Suddenly the footsteps become more muffled as he crosses over to the carpet. I hear a quiet, menacing tap on my wardrobe door. I've done the best I can to barricade it, but I'm not sure if it will hold if he actually tries to enter. I hear the burglar lower himself to the ground; the click of a flashlight as he shines it under the bottom of the door. I scrunch my eyes shut, hoping the light won't reflect off anything in here. I hold my breath, trying not to panic. I shudder as the man outside lets out a deep, mocking laugh, turning the door handle. 

Gerard Way/ MCR OneshotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon