~Chapter 2~

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Tw! Bullying, violence, discrimination but it's against quirkless people so idk if it's needed? Will still have it as a warning though. Probably very inaccurate depiction of wrapping a wound despite me literally being in boy scouts and having been taught it 🥲🥲

The sound of water is heard from the bathroom, as Izuku wash away at his uniform. Red and brown water flows to the drain, the metallic smell of blood stinking up the room.

After a while of vigorous scrubbing, the stain in the fabric isn't even noticable.

Izuku grabs his towel and steps into the main room, almost collapsing onto the bed. He feels his entire body relax on impact, sighing at the relief to his body.

When Izuku woke up after death, he had been more exhausted then his entire life. He didn't even think about it when he originally crawled in a ball, and fell asleep on the floor. That was no doubt a horrible decision, because now his back aches worse then it ever has.

Izuku looks up at the ceiling, a slight smile on his face. He actually has a quirk. He has had dreams were this happened, but he never actually expected for the day to come.

Now that he has this quirk, one that is insanely powerful, he feels almost dazed, overflowing with joy. If his room wasn't so small he would be jumping off walls, because holy shit Izuku feels amazing, and apart of his body is itching to let out all of his pent up energy.

Izuku thinks for a moment, before turning on his phone. Maybe he can go for a jog? That would be a nice way to let out the need for physical activity, and will clear up his mind a bit. That idea is quickly pushed down however, when he sees the time.

1 am.

Because Izuku is under the age of 16, he legally can't go outside once it gets past 12 am. It's a stupid law, but it was built in his specific area after crime rates suddenly skyrocketed, in order to protect any more children from being harmed.

Izuku sighs and shuts off his phone. He really hates being trapped in his room, especially during times like this when he feels like he can run laps around the entire neighborhood. When he feels like he can climb a mountain. When he feels like-

When he feels like he can jump across rooftops.

Suddenly, Izuku has a wonderful, terrible idea.

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It took a while for Izuku to actually get on top of his little home, so once he did he felt major relief, because holy shit it felt cool as hell. He wasn't even that high, but the comparison of the veiw from below was genuinely shocking. Izuku felt more aware of what's happening below, able to see anything that decided to cross paths.

Izuku is grinning wider then he ever has before. He actually feels a sense of freedom, which is rare for him. He feels.. happy. He feels happy for the first time since his mom died, leaving him with nobody else. Sure, he may be still physically worn down from his comeplete lack of sleep, but he still feels motivated enough to push through the night.

After thoroughly mentally scanning the next rooftop, Izuku takes a breath and readies his position. He feels a hint of hesitation, his natural instincts telling him to back away.

Shaking off the nervousness, He leaps to the next rooftop, nearly missing his footing and accidentally hitting his knee on the edge. He winces in pain, but his smile and energy does not deter.

This when time he attempts this, he tries to turn off the fear settling inside of him. He can do this. The only reason he failed last time was because he hesitated.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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