Six way to revenge: 1

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It was a normal school day in the Artic High School. The jocks were picking on the nerd, goths were hiding in the library, and the delinquents were in the back fighting over what school property was theirs. While there were more roles in the school, those were the only ones that were interesting. Unless you had connections to the six who run the school social life. The six were evenly split three girls and three boys, and the twins were both in charge of their group of friends.

Willow, Drista, and Aimsey were in the know about practically everything on school grounds. Even a few teacher related gossip, if true, is unknown. Drista knows how to get information out of students and reports what she finds to Willow, who will paint a picture from the bits of info she was given. Once they make a concrete story, Aimsey will casually spread it around the school like it is second nature. The girls are the ones to build their school social life and decide who will stand. While Tommy and his friends' roles are a bit different than the girls.

Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo were both trouble makers and are the most active in school events. Tubbo was in robotic and computer science, Ranboo  was in journalism and the year book club, and big man Tommy himself had taken up theater and band. The boys could cause chaos throughout the school, setting off mini bombs, yet they never get into trouble. With the girls keeping their statues high, no one dare report them. However, the boys could also help the girls get info with their after-school activities. If Drista needed to find someone during school hours, all she would need to do was text Ranboo. It wouldn't be too odd if a few pictures of that student were to disappear and he would need to go find them to take more pictures for the yearbook.

Tubbo is always tinkering on his computer, and he had to find ways to get past some blocked websites every now and then. Aimsey might also mention the smaller hacks to other students, so it wouldn't be obvious who was the one who found out. Tommy would be getting all the drama out of the theater kids and would have keys to backstage. Say if Willow ever needed to call someone out in front of the whole school in the auditorium, it could be set up in a week advance.

Yet why would this matter they are just a gang of teens who will lose their power once they leave high school, but until then, everyone must play by their rules. If this didn't twist your stomach, then maybe the wall of missing teens posted around the school would. All have a different background, and most not knowing each other. So unless you're a student or teacher, it is very likely that you wouldn't see the dots. Almost everyone that is shown on the missing poster had crossed the six one to many times. Yet no one dared voice this to anyone even to the police.

While no one but the six know why they would go so far to hurt others for petty things to a well-deserved punishment. If any poor soul was brave enough to ask, they would soon vanish before they could tell others. The six had made a deal with the unholy for a better life. They have been hurt to the point that another person cry of pain sounds like divine. So sacrificing their enemies and anyone in their way doesn't bother them too much.

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