Chapter socks: preparaton

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Sherk decided that he needid som help for the epic duel he was gona hav so he decided to call the rock from the jumanji movie

Sherk picked up th fone in his big green greasy sweaty hand and the rock andserd

"Hello rocky wocky I need som help to prepare for a big fight with a woman can you train me pretty please with a cherry on top"

Barry gave sherk an approving bee thumbs up

The rock andswerd on the fone "sure thing sherk I can help yo ill be in your house in 2 minutes"

"Wow he's sure fast" Barry said

"Yeh" dream said

"The fuck are you still doing here sonnyboy" sherk aksed

"I got evicted from my dirt house after I forgor ☝💀 to pay my bills" dream explaind

" Damn bitch you poor as fuck" Barry said

Yeh I prolly shoulda charged more then 4dolla for my jobs" dream said

"Hey I know we could get a sponsor for da gangsta fight" sherk said

"Oh yeha then we can become more rich then that bitch Michelle!!" Said barry

Juts then the rock showed up at there door

"Hey guys" said the rock thru the mailbox slot

"Oh hey the rock"

"Please let me in it smells like shit outside you house"

"Bruh dream did you shit out there again" Aksed Barry

"BUH WHAT NO PFFT-" said dream

"Ok whatever" said Barry sherk opened the door to find the rock and a steaming pile of shit right next to him

"Hey the rock" said sherk

"hello" said the rock "are you ready to train sherk?"

"Yuppers!" Said sherk

"Ok sherk you come with me then and I'll take you to our training grounds"

"Ok epic"

"Sherk,, me and dream are gonna go find a sponsor for the fight while you train" said barry

"Ok pookie wookie be safe my little corn cob, and uh you to dream"

Barry and sherk: the battle of gay destinyWhere stories live. Discover now