Tree of friendship

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It was morning and Leo is in the living room as the Tv displaces a fireplace.

The male seemed to be thinking adout something while his two roomates watch him wondering why Leo is just standing.

Kawaii chan: Leo Senpai is just been standing there for almost thity minutes.

Katelyn: Do you think he's realised he had the chance to kiss Aarom at the party?

Kawaii chan: He did?

Katelyn: Yep and you missed it to.

Kawaii chan groans unhappy that she missed it.

Katelyn: But really somethings on his mind and I'm gonna find out what.

Katelyn then goes down stairs to do so as the male was talking to himself on something doesn't feel right like their missing something while Kawaii chan follows behind.

Leo: It just doesn't feel right.

Katelyn: Are you okay?
You been mumbling to yourself for a bit now.

Leo: It just we decorated the house both inside and out.
We've even baked the cookies and gave them all out.
But something is missing, something I don't see and it has to do something thats green.

Katelyn: Well your not allowed to watch Chrismas specials anymore.

But Kawaii chan agrees with the male adout feelijg like their are missing something for the house.

Kawaii chan: Katelyn Sama, Kawaii chan has been feeling the same way too.
Don't you feel something is missing?

Katelyn them hmmd in thought then starts to think so too.

Katelyn: Now that you mention it, your right.
But what is it?

Katelny asked wondering what they are missing.

Leo: I've gotten the present for all of my friends, I've been out shopping for what seem like no end but of all Chrismas harmony, I'm not sure what it could be.

Katelyn: Leo would you please stop with the chrismas rhymes.
I don't want you doing that all the time.
I mean, uh, oh no that Rhymes! Great now I caught it.

Leo and Kawaii chan giggled at their friend.

Leo: But no seriously, what are we missing?
Ah, let me think, let me think!

But then the door bell rang.

Leo: I'll get it!

Leo then got the door and open it to see a delivery man.

Delievry man: Delivery.

Leo: Huh?
Uh did someone ordered a package for uh... what is it?

Delivery man: Oh its a cat Tree.

This confuses Leo on who would order a cat tree, he not sure that Kawaii chan would even order one even if she's a cat girl and no one in the house have a pet cat.

Leo: Kawaii chan?

Delivery man then sees he made a mistake because he at the wrong house.

Delivery: Oh wait my bad.
I'm suppost to deliver this cat tree to 67 christmas street.
Oh man, I'm on complete side wrong of town.
I'll go take this to 67 christmas street to get this cat tree to the right place.
Hopefully, I didn't interrupt you and your family sitting around your uh, christmas tree.

Delivery: Hey did I tell you how nice my christmas is this year.

Leo: Look, I really don't care.
I got problems of my own to solve!

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