mistletoe war

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I skipped some episodes not intrested in writing them but I do apologsy if you are disspointed but the episodes I skipped still happened.

Also I might include season 2 Love love paradice in this book, so the book will atleast won't be too short just in case.

Okay now onto the story.

Luarance and Garroth are sitting in the living room, Garroth on his phone hoping for a call on Sprinkles his cat he found somwtime ago and loved, while Luarance is reading a book.

Laurance: Garroth, I don't think someone gonna call adout Sprinkles.

Garroth was crying a bit get emotional adout the cat he liked.

Garroth: S-someone has to!
I put up posters and everything!
A purple cat isn't tha hard to miss!

Laurance: Garroth if someone found a purple cat with actual purple hair, then its incredibly possible they keep it or try to hand it over to an science facilty to study for money.

Then Garroth said in angery at the possiblty of that happing to Sprinkles.

Garroth: No!
I have to believe sprinkles is okay!

Laurance: Garroth just be ready for either no news or bad news.
Sprinkles wasn't even your cat, he might have an owner.

Garroth: Yeah I know its just Sprinkles.

Dante came inside with something in his hands and Laurance is wondering what Dante is doing.

Laurance: What are you up to Dante?

Dante: O-Oh me?

Dante then try to lie to his two roomates.

Dante: Oh, nothing.
Just going to.... head into my room amd turn in for the night.

But it was not even night time yet.

Laurance: But its 3pm.

Dante: Yeah... I'm just not feeling too well today....
Got bad cold from the snow comming into my room from the broken window and everything and everything.

Dante then fakes his coughts.

Dante: So I'll be turning in for the night.
Night guys!

Dante then ran into his room and Laurance doesn't believe the window was still broken because they got it fixed.

Laurance: We got his window fix this morning and he slep on the couch untill it got fixed.

Garroth then remembered what he saw in Dante hands.

Garroth: Laurance!
He got the mail in his hands.

Dante was in his room reading a red letter when Garroth brokw Dante bedroom door.

Garroth: Dante!

Luarance and Garroth came inside.

Dante: My door!
Garroth I swear your dead-.

Laurance then take what was in Dante hands.

Luarance: What this?

Dante: Hey!
That letter is for me!

Laurance: Its addressed to all of us.
Its from Leo.

Luarance then read the inviation.

Leo invation: Dear Luarance, Dante and Garroth.
You are invited a party, Katelyn, Kawaii chan and I are hosting at our place.
Its an special party that is kinda like more of a house warming party, but it in seasons we are doubling it as a pre hoilday party!
No gifts are required to come, feel free to bring a plus one.
- Leo

mystreet Aaron x male ocजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें