Mistleteo War part 2

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Leo sighed as he not sure he can handle hosting so all by himself, he thought Kawaii chan would atleast help him but no.

Hes not sure adout Katelyn but he hope she aleast come down once to greet everyone.

Leo: Oh my gosh Katelyn and Kawaii chan better come down stairs because I've been hosting everybody by myself!

Leo sighed in frustration before going back to hosting the party.

Kawaii chan is adout to come down stairs when she stopped and suddenly saw her crush talking to someone.

Kawaii chan the moves to the upstairs glass raillinvs looking at Reese.

Leo is getting annoyed with his roomates.

Leo: Ah I swear those girls up in there-!

Loe then stoos and breaths out, before then looking down at his dog Celestia, who atleast down here with him.

Leo: Celestia at least your here atleast to help me host everyone.

Celestia bark happly at her owner and Leo happly giggled at his her.

Then he remembered adout his roomates and decids to see if he can atleats get one of them down stairs to help.

Leo: Good girl.
I'm gonna go see if they're ready to come down stairs.
Katelyn Kawaii chan-!

Leo stops when he got up stairs already seeing Kawaii chan out oc her room.

Kawaii chan: L-Leo Senpai.
Kawaii chan doesn't think she can do this!

Leo then look to see Reese from upstairs.

Leo: Thats Right Reese is here, I forgot.
Kawaii chan you got this, you have his present don't you?

Kawaii chan is hestitent to go near him and give her crush his gift.

Kawaii chan: Y-Yes, but maybe Kawaii chan should wait until chrismas.

Leo then went to remember Kawaii chan the deal that he and Kawaii chan made.

Leo: Kawaii chan.
Remember our deal?
I said and we agreed on if I help you get a nice present, you would give it to him yourself and talk to him in complete sentences, remember?

Kawaii chan: Y-yes, but looking... at him there...

Leo: Kawaii chan.
You can do this.

But then Kawaii chan couldn't do this.

Kawaii chan: I can't do this!

Leo: Kawaii chan!

Kawaii chan ran back into her bedroom.

Leo: Kawaii chan.
Oh Kawaii chan come on.

Leo then heard the door bell rang and wondered who else could ut be.

Leo: Door bell again?
Who can that be?

Leo then went down stairs to get it.

Leo: Sorry Folks, I'll be back to host you one second!

Leo then ran over to the door.

Leo: Who can that be right now?

Leo thwn open the door to see one of Katelyn friends, Nicole, Leo didn't expect Nicole to be here.

Leo: Nicole!
Nicole come on in.
Come on.

Nicole then came inside and Leo shut the door.

Nicole: Leo good to see ya.

Leo: Wow, Its really great to see you but forgive me, I wasn't aware  that you were coming to the party, at all.

Nicole then told Leo why she was here.

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