Bitter Revelations, Now Excuse Me as I go and Die in this Ditch.

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Ragatha POV:

The eyes are the windows to the soul? I've heard the expression before, it's just I don't know what Caine means by-

And then it hits me.
Hits me like a train.

How did I not notice this before?!

Y/N's eyes were bleeding.
The eyes are the windows to the soul.

———time skip backwards———


From where I am, I could hear Ragatha bickering with Jax. I don't know how cleaning could end up in a fight, but knowing their dynamic, I wasn't that surprised.

I yawn.

I forgot how tired I was from the whole barrier thing. I mean, I guess I do have a reason as to why, but it scares me a little how bad the incident was if I managed to forget how tired I was right now.

I hear the sound of metal scraping the ground grow fainter and the sound of footsteps seems to get closer.

The door swings open as Jax walks in grinning.

"Wassup?" I croak weakly from where I was lying down. He shrugs and sits down on the edge of the bed (sorry I should've said earlier but ur lying down on a bed.)

"How are you feeling though?" He asks, looking out into the distance.

"Not good. It feels like my eyes dying and bruised." I admit with a shrug. He winces, probably imagining the pain.

"Oof. That must suck for you. I don't know if there's anything I can do for you though. I didn't even get to university when I got to the circus, so I'm practically useless." He says bitterly.

"No your not." I say confidently. "In fact, I'd be willing to bet you're second most useful right after Ragatha." This statement seems to shock him, as he looks down at you.

"You don't need to lie to make me happy." He says, chuckling unhappily. I stare at him sadly. I don't like to see him like this.

"No. It's not a lie. I don't know if I'll ever be able to prove it, but you're the only person I really feel at home with." I say as I close my eyes and curl into a ball, ready to go back to sleep.

A silence passes between us.
But I was starting to get comfortable so I try my best to drift into Morphius's realm.


Suddenly the door swings open, making me bolt upright.

"Y/N!" I blink to get my fuzzy eyes to focus on who said that.

"Ragatha? What's going-?"

"Y/N, I think I know what's going on. Well, I mean, this will sound like I'm crazy though..." she seems out of breath, like she just ran here.

"What do you mean?" I ask in a whisper.

"I- Well, you know how your eyes were bleeding?" I nod. "You know how there's that saying your eyes are the window to your soul?" I nod again.

Then it clicks.

"You mean..." I pause.

"I'm being possessed or something?" I ask, my entire body shaking in fright. "Like in the exorcist?" (Do NOT watch the exorcist. It's scary af.)

Ragatha doesn't respond, but she bites her lip giving it away.

I break down crying. Jax quickly rushes over and hugs me protectively. Ragatha comes over and does the same.

"We'll figure it out together." She says whispering in my ear as I cry.

And cry
And cry
I cry until the moon comes out and the sun hides in the blanket that is darkness.

Wooh! Another lore chapter for the day! Sorry I couldn't post more. I just really wanted to post. *Wink wink cough cough I'm looking at you Onyx1983 cough*

Anyways word count is 585!
I finished my test waiting for the results now.
Anywho, now I'm gonna walk into this ditch until the results come out.

Luv you guys so much!

———random tangent ahead———

Hey, just a quick update before I enter the ditch, I know that most of you guys are just trying to read and enjoy yourself, but I don't appreciate spam, so I'm just giving out a warning to all the other writers;

If you receive a text that goes along the lines I'm an aspiring writer but I'm not good at writing so I promote other's books, then just know that usually they're spam texts.

I know that there are genuinely people out there who just are extremely into promoting books and aren't good at writing, but when I receive like, 7 of them, all with the two same avatars, I'm gonna start asking questions, y'a know?

Ok, Bye!

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