On the Tent's Roof

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Jax POV:

I've never been more annoyed since I entered the circus. I mean, this random guy appears out of nowhere and steals your only true friend in years.

I watch as Y/N laughs with the guy before she walks back towards me.

She drags me towards the rooms as she waved goodbye to her new friend...

I normally wouldn't care, but I haven't had anyone to actually talk to or spend time with and I've become desperate.

I'm not gonna do nothing about this.


Jax has an evil look in his eyes.

It scares me. Whenever this happens, he does something extreme. Sometimes a little TOO extreme...


Ok always too extreme.

The point is I'm worried about what he would do. If we had a tier list for which one of us would cause the most damage, Jax would be #1. He would kill us all and watch it happily.

"Jax, what are you planning?" I ask nudging him slightly in the hallway.

"Nothing. As usual." He says still grinning. I roll my eyes.

"You know what, never mind. You'll tell me. Eventually." I smile at him before remembering something.

"Wait! I found a really nice part of the tent! Come on I'll show you." I realize I've been grabbing his wrist too hard because of how red it is.

So instead I grab his overall strap and pull him away.

Jax POV:

She grabs my overall and pulls me over to the back of the tent where there's a big wooden ladder secured to the ground by 2 metal nails.

"This isn't safe is it? You're going alone." I say about to turn away.

"Please? I promise it'll be worth it." She responds.

"Yeah. Because falling from up there to down here will be ABSOLUTELY worth climbing the stupid thing."

"Start climbing before I decide I want to pull you to the top."

"As if you could."

"Wanna bet?"

"Nah, I'm coming."

It takes a while but we finally reach the top, and she drops me on the ground.

Wait no it isn't the ground.

It's the roof of the tent.

"How did you find out about this?" I ask.

"Well, Caine told me about it when I said that there wasn't a lot of places to go here."


"Hey wanna go to the Night side?" I nod and we scoot over, staring at the stars.

"You remember how we met?" I hear Y/N whisper beside me.

"How could I not?" I smile at the memory. "Shorty." I feel her nudge me.

"Caine let us sleep here."

"WHAT?!?" I yell louder than I expected.

"Oh I thought you just wanted to sleep out in the open. I mean its not cold out. Like camping but without the tents." She was so innocent. She didn't have any of THOSE thoughts...

I kinda liked her for that.

"Oh. Sure we can sleep outside." I say. She smiles and lies her head in my lap before falling asleep.

Jax x Female Reader ~ TADC The Amazing Digital Circus - not oneshots.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें