(Egypt's outfit)

I wash my face and put lotion on my face and all over my body before putting on the clothes, once done I spray perfume all over me and then give myself one last look before smiling then putting some clear lip gloss on my lips and just leaving my h...

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I wash my face and put lotion on my face and all over my body before putting on the clothes, once done I spray perfume all over me and then give myself one last look before smiling then putting some clear lip gloss on my lips and just leaving my hair down since I like it that way.

I look at my phone to see Iona texted me that shes 10 minutes away so I like her text before running downstairs with my white forces.

seeing my mama I wave and say "hi mama" my mother smiles and says, "hi mi amor, you look happy" she comments, I just smile back "yeah Iona and Bella are taking me out on a date tonight, this is gonna be our second one"

mama nods before chuckling a bit, "what?" I say confused why shes laughing.

"nothing just happy to see you happy, I hope they treat you right, speaking of I still haven't given them the dad talk.." I giggle before saying "mamaaaa" I drag out to which she laughs to before hugging me "really they better treat you good Egypt" I smile before hugging her back, "they will mama I promise"

after me and mama got done hugging I hear a car beeping already knowing its Iona and Bella I give mama a kiss and hug goodbye before putting on my forces and leaving the house with my keys in my pocket.

I get into the back seat and I take in both their clothing and looks, and do they look good.

Iona and Bella give each other a knowing looking before smirking and saying, "Why hello Egypt, a photo would last longer lovely"

my face flushed red before I just smiled and said, "maybe I will take a photo"

Bella just chuckles before saying, "no ones stopping you"

Iona and Bella both look at me expecting me to take the photo but I just look down at my hands like their the most interesting things in the world.

Iona and Bella chuckles before Iona says "aww, look shes all flustered" Bella just laughs along making me huff and roll my eyes slightly before looking up then saying, "you both are so cruel" I mutter making them both smile at me before Iona starts up the car again and Bella just sits back holding my hand on the arm rest.

After the short car ride we end up in a large looking place that has at least 50 freaking floors, I look try to look up a bit more from the large window causing me to lean over the arm rest making Bella and Iona laugh before they both exit the car Iona then opens my door for me and helps me out the car before Bella takes my hand again while Iona takes the lead and walks in the front of the both of us showing some type of card to the two guards at the front door before they let us all three inside.

As soon as you walk in you see a lobby but its empty only workers here I furrow my brows in confusion before Bella whispers in my ear, "we bought the place for tonight"

A story of a girl, who never thought they could love again.Where stories live. Discover now