"You need to hurry", Luffy urged from Morgan's chair. "Please hurry." "I can't rush this!" Both yelled at the same time.

Morgan started to use his axe-hand to break into the room. "I have an idea", Luffy declared. Nami got off the safe and he grabbed some wheels that could be used as handles. He started to pull on the safe as Nami looked at him incredulously. "That's your idea?", she said loudly to cover the banging. "Yeah"

Luffy's arms started to stretch as he kept pulling. Nami watched, a little bit scared. As a whole plank of wood got smashed away from the door, she wrapped her arms around the boy's waist and pulled with him.

The safe started to get out of its hinges and, as Morgan had carved a large hole in the door, the duo flew back with the safe in Luffy's hands. They got propelled out of the window where they fell from the top of à whole tower.

They both screamed until they landed in the sand. They rolled off the safe, coughing. However, they quickly recovered and stood up since the whole base would be after them.

Nami got out of the stolen uniform. "How'd you do that?"she asked but didn't get any answers since a dozen of Marines came running and yelling.

Defending themselves, Luffy used his hand to hand combat skills and Nami, her fighting stick. She put down a duo of Marines armed with swords with complicated moves and fought off another almost immediately.

As for Luffy, he'd use other Marined he'd put to the ground to kick someone. He dodged some throws skillfully, always keeping a hand on his hat to not lose it. He punched, kicked and dodged, resulting in numerous Marines to fail.

Zoro and (y/n) came into the yard quickly. "Woah", the young girl said but got pulled away by the green haired man who saw the situation as a chance to get out.

"Wait, no, pleeease", (y/n) whined as she tried to get out of Zoro's grasp. "I can't leave without helping Luffy! He freed us!"

The swordsman stopped in his tracks, considering the girl's words. "You can't fight", Zoro commented. (Y/n) scoffed, rolling her eyes dramatically as she got her hand free. "Maybe but I can command and repair."

"What does that have to do with fighting?"Zoro asked but the (h/c) haired girl ignored it. "Plus, you can fight. You have no excuse, go!" She demanded and pointed to the now battlefield.

Zoro looked at the exit, and then at the two who were clearly struggling. "Fine, but you stay here", he ordered to (y/n) who was smiling sordidly.

The moment after, Zoro was in the middle of the action, followed by tiny self made puppets. Those dolls would roll out of (y/n's) bag in a circular form with the size of a tennis ball and then hop into their normal size like popcorn in a microwave.

(Y/n) was standing apart from the main action. She had pulled out a roll of fabric and was shouting orders as she pulled out more tools. "Group A, you follow Zoro! Group B, go help Luffy! The rest, you are with Stick Lady!"

She then crouched next to the fabric with needles, threads and her pair of scissors. "Fluff, Boar and Stitch, I don't want to see any of you get hurt so no fighting, guys. You will bring me the fallen soldiers so I can fix them, got it? Okay go!"

At first surprised, the three adults were destabilized by the puppets but once seeing that they were helping, they fought alongside the tiny humans.

(Y/n) was working at the speed of light, sewing together the 'wounds' of her stuffed dolls and the trio of stuffed animals were doing their job efficiently.

Everything was going smoothly. Stitch was rushing in between the legs of Marines to get a doll which lost one of their legs. Too focused on her task, she didn't see the foot that was coming straight at her.

She received a kick and got launched a meter away. From across the field, (y/n) immediately knew what happened. She snapped her head in Stitch's direction, relieved to see her getting back to her feet.

Going back to patching a doll up, she only noticed her bleeding nose once a drop fell on her hand. Fluff, who just came in with a new fallen soldier, looked panicked to see (y/n) hurt.

"Hey, hey. Don't panic. It's not like I'm gonna die! Plus, it makes me look badass!" She flashed Fluff a grin who rolled their button eyes.

The fight ended as Luffy and Zoro, even though they are "Not a crew" as Zoro and Nami clearly manifested, did a magnificent team attack on Morgan and (y/n's) dolls and Nami crushed all the Marines. (A/n: Was I too lazy to describe the fight? Yes. Yes I was.)

(Y/n) went in the middle of the yard and put her bag to the floor so all her little soldiers got back into it in their smaller form.

"Whoo!" Luffy cheered, his two arms in the air. Nami retracted her stick. "Gum Gum Whip?"Zoro questioned, referring to the words he yelled before throwing his punch. "Yeah!" Luffy confirmed, proud of himself. "All the great fighters call out their finishing moves", he added.

"No, they don't" Zoro spoke quietly.

"Ooh! I need to have one too!" (Y/n) exclaimed as she walked up to Luffy. Noticing her bleeding nose, Zoro grabbed (y/n's) shoulder to make her face him.

"I thought I told you to stay away from the fight", he scolded her. "I did!" She replied. "Then, what's this?" He asked, wiping away the crimson liquid with his thumb. "It's not me, it's Fluff! And it was an accident!" (Y/n) protested.

"Hate to break up this beautiful moment, but we need to get this safe out of here", Nami interrupted. "Maybe if we find some rope or something", she began, looking around but Zoro casually took the handles and lifted the safe with no problem.

"Or we can do that", Nami mumbled.



Next chapter is the last one of the first episode YAYYYY

Yo I'm stressed out, I have a concert occurring in the second week of December I thiiiiink

And the group practice where the teachers tell you if you can do the concert or not is SATURDAY

I'm playing It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year on the piano

my head is full of what if's


Thought? Questions??

Okayyy bye

Did you put the star thingy on this chapter?

Ty if you did ^^

Words: 1777

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