Silent Hearts| Lando Norris

Start from the beginning

"so...... Are you going to tell me now what the heck happened yesterday" he spoke sincerely and i shifted in my seat  uncomfortably, staring mindlessly at his plate as i merged in my head atleats a few words to form a sentence, but i couldn't.

"sure" i chuckled nervously and placed down the croissant as he did the same. But still i didn't speak and this made him even more curious.

"i just don't understand. I saw the look on your face and i could tell you were stressed and worried about something"

He had so many questions and worries "i thought it might be because we were friends".

I sighed, so exhausted with everything at the moment, i felt like i was pushing myself to speak and act.
"lan" i spoke calmly and slowly, making sure to point my purpose across. Unintentionally my hands stretched out to grab his but was quickly alarmed with last night's scenery and withdrew my hands. "i...... You're right percent of it".
He nodded a little as i said it might be part of it. It felt like he was getting somewhere, even if it was slow.
"it's a problem then?" he asked cautiously "do you think we shouldn't be friends?" his eyes widened in anticipation for my answer. I was quick to argue against his statement.

"no! No i-i love being your friend but i just think that.... Our opposite genre, you know you as a demon and me as an angel it's.... Not right to be friends" i swallowed my empathy at the last part and the word friend was heavy on my tongue. Was this really more than i think it is? I don't know anymore, i don't anything anymore.
"so the problem isn't me" he spoke with certainty as his eyes darted in focus "it's our rivalry".

A realization hit him and he started to understand everything "so the reason why you felt pain around me was because of this? That angels and demons are supposed to be enemies so there's a conflict of interest?" i looked at him dazingly enough to notice his eyes switch from hard to soft. I nodded at him, glad he understood but also not too glad about it because of the spoken truth.

" but we're not enemies, that's the difference " i interfere.
He took a deep breath and leaned back in his chair, procession running through his mind. He ran his hand through his hair, a habit of his he did when he was conflicted. i picked up this behavior since the start of our friendship.

" what if we just don't tell anyone about our friendship?" he suggested softly.

"i don't think that's how it works, i think it's just in the enature, maybe because of our closure, nature doesn't want us to be closer so it effected me more than you since I'm an angel" i explained to him, sadistic with the honesty.

"so from what I'm understanding is that there's a force keeping us apart?" i nodded again.
He sighed and looked down at his hands. He wasn't sure what to do now, he felt conflicted.

"can't we at leats try to stick to eachother despite what our nature says to do?" he asked almost wondering as he looked back at me " we can't ignore the fact we shouldn't be friends and just let nature do it's thing and not interfere?"
I leaned back aswell, my head slupmed back in the seat, rumbing my temple hard enough for a response to come up.

"we could.... But, that means our friendship will fall apart and we'll...go back to strangers".

"that's not what i want..." he mumbled. " i don't want to lose what we have just because of our identities. We can't be enemies our intire lives. We can't be strangers again"
He felt too scared to let go, he didn't want to lose me and he knew i didn't want to aswell.

"i don't want us to grow apart..... Please" his desperate eyes made me loose all hope of composing myself, my hands were shaking and my head was working. What do i say? What do i do? Of course i don't want this friendship to fall apart but, what other solutions do we have? What can we do? Questions questions questions no answers.

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