I was staring at Daisy begging her not to accept his apology, to not take him back as her skating partner. But she was avoiding me, she didn't want to look at me because deep down we both knew she was going to take him back.

"Watch out!" I was too deep in my thoughts that I didn't pay attention to the puck flying straight towards my head. I felt it hit my forehead, more precisely my right eyebrow.

I fell down holding my head, it wasn't painful but since I was half human I could get hurt only if the person who hit me was insanely strong. I could feel the cut on my face and I tried to hide it with my palm.

"Shit" I heard Jasey mumble, she crouched down next to me and grabbed my face to check if I was alright.

"It's...healing?" She whispered confused, I didn't know what to tell her or what to do and I think she saw my reaction and knew it was something I didn't want anybody to find out.

"She's alright! It didn't hit" Jasey yelled to the rest of the team, she gave me her hand and I grabbed it so she can pull me back on my feet.

"Hard skull, rookie" she mumbled with a smile and I chuckled feeling relieved that she didn't freaking out telling everyone about this incident. Her eyes then changed color from green to a deep orange color then she turned them back to their original color, I stood there dumbfounded, confused, surprised feeling every emotion basically.

How? She doesn't smell like anything, she smells human.

"I'll keep your secret if you keep mine" she nudged me and skated away towards the rest, I turned to look at Daisy to see if she was aware of what happened and she was looking at me with a worried look, her beautiful eyes were scanning my face trying to see if I was hurt.

But then was turned back by Max, he wanted to get her attention. I rolled my eyes and made my way to my team, I put my arm around Jasey as we listened to what the coach was saying, apparently we had a game next weekend and we had to be ready.

I was in the locker room changing to lighter clothes so I can be ready to practice with Daisy, that's if she wasn't already planning to do it with Max, when Jasey walked in. I looked at her and smiled. Her blonde hair was in a messy bun and she looked clean and not in practice clothes.

"I knew there was something different about you" she said and leaned against the locker, I put my helmet in my closet and shut the door.

"What do you mean?"

"Penny, is a big girl. When she tries to tackle you it looks like she slams against a brick wall" she explained making me chuckle,

"So you hit me with a puck going 50mph?" I asked raising my eyebrow at her, she chuckled and sat down on the bench.

"I was thinking about hitting it harder but was afraid to be wrong and end up killing your ass" she gave me a silly smile sounding so sure of herself.

"As if"

"So what are you?" She asked,

"What do you mean?" I played dumb, she gave me an "are you serious" look and I put my hands up in surrender.

"I'm a vampire hybrid, half human to be exact" she looked impressed as she nodded her head yes,

"Human father?"

"Human mom and vampire mom" now her face was even more confused,


"You know, when two people love each oth-"

"Oh fuck off, just tell me how!" She cut me off making me laugh,

"My human mom, well ex human mom she's a vampire now, has a...you know, a dick. Don't ask me how or why, I don't wanna know either" I explained to Jasey who looked as confused as a toddler trying to figure what 3 apples and 2 bananas add up to.

"I'm a mutt, as you bloodsuckers call us." Jasey confessed,

"Ooohh I never met one of those before" I said referring to her kind as animals, which they kind of are, and she knew that which made her gasp putting her hand on her chest.

"How dare you, my dad will be hearing about this" I rolled my eyes and we both made our way out of the lockers, like usual the hockey team was going to watch the figure skaters do there thing.

"So why didn't I smell you or know what you are?" I asked as we sat on the bleachers away from the other,

"Well..." She said and I started smelling this weird kind of scent, it was like a wet cat or dog who didn't dry up very well and it was giving me an upset stomach.

"Please...enough" I begged and closed my nose with my fingers.

"My father who's the leader of our pack, makes everyone hide their scent, and those who can't control it take this potion that our pack doctor made, it'll completely disable your abilities and hide your scent until you take the antidote.." I was impressed with what she said, and very interested by her kind.

"It's for our safety" I understand that, my parents would do the same to protect our kind specially mom, she makes her guards and workers train hard, mentally and physically so they don't crack under any circumstances, for their safety and ours.

"They're so elegant" Jasey said in awe, I looked at what she was staring at just to find Daisy skating with Max. I felt a hurt and disappointed but I couldn't show it so I just stared at them with a neutral face.

And to think she'd pick me over him...

Do you play video games? If yes, what's your favorite game?

(I believe if Dalida was real she'd look like this woman)



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