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Macaque's P.O.V
"Good morning, my little monkey." I smiled, leaning over Y/n's crib with a smile.

She babbles, reaching for me.

I picked her up, nuzzling her face against mine.

She babbles again, hugging my face.

"Aw, yeah, good morning to you too." I held her on my hip. "Are you hungry?"

She giggles, clapping her hands.

"Let's go get you your bottle, little monkey." I said to her as I made our way to the kitchen.

Y/n is now officially 9 months old, and she's still my little menace to the universe.

I almost did have a total mental breakdown last week cause she had a fever, and the poor thing was was crying every few seconds cause of the pain.

I almost started crying myself, seeing her in pain like that. She wouldn't let go of me the entire time she was sick.

She would hug me, cling to me, cry for me everything I put her down until I picked her up.

She's lucky she's my little monkey, and I love her, or else I wouldn't have picked her up, it just broke my heart seeing her sick and crying.

I love my little monkey, and if anything happened to her, I'd kill everybody around me, and then myself, even if that means dying a second time.

Once we were in the kitchen, I grabbed a bottle of milk that was on the counter, pre-made by one of my shadow clones, thankfully, so now I don't have to have Y/n bonk me in the head continuously until she gets her bottle.

"Here you go." I gave her the bottle, and she eagerly took it, drinking it.

Once she was done drinking her bottle, I took the bottle from her, patting her back as she let out a tiny burp.

"Feel better?" I held her up to my face.

"Eh." She babbles, nodding, since it was her way of saying yes.

"Good." I gave her a head pat. "Now, let's get you ready, we're going to go out today."

After getting Y/n ready, and putting her hair in the two sloppy buns I usually give her, since doing her hair is absolute chaos.

Now we were walking through the city, walking through the market.

If you're wondering why I said walking, I am holding Y/n's tiny hand as we walked through the market.

I was disguised as a human of course, and as always, Y/n didn't like it, so that's why she had a grumpy look on her face.

"Sorry, little monkey, but you should know that if people see how I truly look, they may not like my monkey self like you do." I bent down to her.

"Hmph!" She crossed her arms, puffing her cheeks out.

I chuckled, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "You'll be fine, little monkey, now, let's get the stuff we need from the market so we can go home."

I grabbed her hand to continue walking, but she didn't move.

"Little Monkey." I said in a warning voice. "The sooner we get this over with, the sooner you can see my monkey self again, sound good?"

"Eh." She babbles, still grumpy, but agrees anyway.

After a bit of walking through the market, we came upon a flower stand, run by an old woman.

"Look at the flowers, Y/n." I held her up to the flowers.

She sniffed the flowers, then sneezed.

"Oh, bless you." The old woman says. "Who is this sweet little one anyways?"

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