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Macaque's P.O.V
I slept peacefully, until the moment I felt something hit me square in the face.

"Ow!" I immediately sat up.

I look to the side to see a bottle.

I then looked over at Y/n's crib and saw her sitting up, arms crossed.

"Did you throw that?" I asked her.

"Eh!" She responded.

I chuckled, taking her out of the crib. "There are better ways to wake me up, you know."

She responded to that by bonking me in the head.

"Hey." I gently grabbed her arm. "Stop that, you don't hit, unless it's people you don't like."

She pouted, turning her little head away from me.

I smiled lightly, shaking my head.

It's been a month already, and she's grown a nasty habit of throwing things and bonking me in the head with her hand or random objects lying around.

"You must be hungry, how about we get something to eat for breakfast? " I nuzzled her face, making her giggle.

"I'll take that as a yes." I laugh.

Carrying her to the kitchen, ignoring her adorable attempts to attack me with her tiny baby hands, I sat her in the high chair.

"Okay, today for breakfast we have mashed plums, how's that?" I sat the small container of mashed plums in front of her.

I took a spoon, scooping a spoonful of it up. "Open up."

She sniffed it, before turning her head away.

"What's wrong with it? You love this stuff, why are you refusing to eat?" I held the spoon closer to her mouth, but she refused to open her mouth.

I sighed, trying to think of an idea of how to get her to eat.

"Hm, I got it." I grabbed the spoon with my tail and held it up to her.

She giggled, clapping her hands together as she watched me move my tail.

She open her mouth, eating the spoonful of mashed plums.

I kept feeding her like this until it was all gone.

I took a napkin, wiping the excess food off her face. "You gonna stop hitting me now that you've eaten?"

She gripped the spoon in front of her, hitting me in the face.

"I'll take that as a no." I took the spoon from her, set it aside, and picked her up.

"Now, what to do today?" I thought for a moment. "What about going to the park downtown? There's a sandbox to play in?"

"Ooo..." She cooed.

"You like that idea, don't you?" I blow raspberries on her tummy, making her laugh. "Well, let's go then."

On the way to the park, yes I had to disguise myself as human, and yes, Y/n did bonk me in the head multiple times with her baby fist.

Once at the park, I sat Y/n down in the sandbox. "I'll be right there on that bench, while you have fun."

"Eh!" She hit the sand.

I smiled, watching her from the bench.

She then picked up a shovel, took a scoop of sand, and dumped it on her clothes.

Gonna have to bathe her later, but it's worth it if she's having fun.

After a while of watching her play in the sandbox, I watched these two kids, one girl, and one boy walk up to her.

They looked to be about 5 years old.

"Hey, dumb baby, move, this sandbox is ours." The boy says.

Y/n tilted her head in confusion.

"Didn't you hear him, dumb baby? Move!" The girl says, pulling on Y/n's two buns I'm her hair, making Y/n cry in distress.

I growled, clenching my fists.

No one calls my baby girl dumb or pulls on her hair, especially if they're 5 years old.

It took me forever to do those scruffy buns.

I began stomping my way over there, watching as Y/n took the toy shovel she had, hitting the boy directly in the face, she then twisted the girl's arm and bit her hand.

Once I was over there, I picked her up, looking at her crying face.

"Aw, my wittle baby, are you alright?" I hugged her, patting her back and she buried her face in the crook of my neck.

"Excuse me, sir?" A lady came up, and those two kids were with her.

"Yes?" I raised a brow at her.

"Is that you're daughter?" She asked in a haughty tone, pointing at Y/n while I was trying to calm her down.

"Yes, and... is there a problem?" I looked at her.

"Yeah, your little freak, hit my children, and bit my daughter, so yeah, there is a problem." The women snarled.

"Okay, Karen, let's start with this, you're children were messing with my daughter and pulling her hair, cause they wanted the sandbox." I tell her.

"Excuse me--." She tried to speak, but I stopped her.

"So, next time, Karen, if there even is a next time for these little twerps, make sure they know not to pick on a baby next time." I interrupted her. "Let's go home, Y/n."

Ignoring the Karen's incoherent screaming, I walked home, Y/n still leaning in the crook of my neck.

When we got home, I fed Y/n a bottle and sat her in her playpen, which was in my dojo.

I grunted, hitting one of my shadow clones with my staff.

Y/n laughed as I hit more shadow clones.

I smiled, finding it adorable that she was laughing at this.

I leaned over the playpen, holding her against my hip.

"Did you enjoy watching me train after what happened in the park?" I nuzzled my head against her.

She babbled, reaching for my staff.

"What? You want to hold it, I doubt you'd be able to hold it when you're this small, but here." I handed her my staff, and surprisingly for her size, she was able to hold.

"Okay, I don't think a baby should have a weapon, so, give that back." I tried to take it from her, and she bonked me in the head with it.

"Ow! No, give that back." I kept trying to get it from her, but she continuously bonked me in the head with it.

"Okay, that's enough, it's nap time." I took the staff from her.

Taking her to my room, where her crib was, I started to rock her back and forth.

I hummed softly, patting her back.

She babbled softly, closing her little eyes.

I smiled as I went to put her in her crib.

When I tried to walk away, I felt a little tug on my finger.

I looked back to see Y/n holding onto my hand while she slept.

I looked down at her, a sad smile on my face.

My precious little baby, I love you so much.

A/n-Aw, how cute, little Y/n being a menace to society.

Have a good day or night.

Next up: Going To Work.

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