You sick little bastard!

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Chapter Three

"Zoe! Zoey? Camila Zoey Lorenzo! Get your lazy ass up!" I wake with a start. Jacob is jumping on my bed as if he's a five year old toddler yelling. "Now!"

"Would you cut it the hell out!" I shout not bothering to open my eyes. I don't want to see a six foot four, two hundred twenty-five pound teenage boy jumping on my bed. It would be a bit much right now.

"Are you awake?"

I snuggle deeper into the comfort of my bed in response.

"Then I guess I have no choice but to bother you until you WAKE up." He stops jumping on the bed and lies down next to me shoving his face all up in mine.

"You going to wake up my grumpy girl?" He asks pouting at me. I ignore him but I have to admit he looks cute making that face.

"Zoey, why so grumpwy?" He asks still pouting he kisses my nose.

"Maybe it's has to do with you jumping on my damn bed while I'm sleeping or you freaking yelling like an idiot." I state flatly and push his face with my hand and roll over.

You've got to be shitting me.

Being the five year old that Jacob Carter is he starts poking my back. Not five seconds later I literally kick him off my bed. I'm being a bitch and I know it. But I'm not in the mood, it's too early. I'm so not a morning person.

"Fuck," Jay hisses. "Really Zoe?"

"Really, dipshit. Why are you even here at..." I look at my phone under my pillow, "six twenty-nine in the morning?" I ask stretching.

Shaking his head patronizingly he tells me "I was just being the good friend that I Jacob Carter naturally am and telling you you have exactly twenty-nine minutes to get ready and get to school before tryouts begin."

"Maldita sea." I check my phone again... 6:31 AM. I groan loud and dramatically. Again, I'm not a morning person.

I disentangle myself from my sheets and jump out of bed rushing to the bathroom. I hear Jacob wolf whistle.

"Damn, when did you grow an ass Zoe?" I roll my eyes. Pig.

"Since when did you take an interest in whether or not my ass grew?" I call to him.

"Babe, I'm a guy what do you expect? I'm gonna notice." He shouts back.

"Whatever! Stop being a creep Jay." Jacob just laughs in response. Chico tonto, I think shaking my head. Silly, silly boy.

Okay, I took a shower last night so I'm good. My hair is in unruly waves but I don't have time to straighten my hair, who cares anyways, I just messily braid it down my back. Then I brush my teeth. Looking down at what I'm wearing I walk out the bathroom and to my closet. Pulling on a black tank top, dark skinny jeans and my Tims. Finding a sleeping Jacob on my bed I look at him a moment and then kiss his jaw. Shaking him a bit to wake him up does not work.

"Jacob! Let's go." I shout to wake him.

He moves a bit.


"What do you want?" Jacob groans, "I'm trying to sleep."

"Don't give me attitude, you were the one rushing me to go so let's go."

With a moan he gets up and cracks his back. A nod towards the door I walk out my room to the stairs, Jacob close behind me.

Before I can even step down the first stair Jay pulls my arm and stops me.

Sheer Awesomeness |OLD VERSION|Where stories live. Discover now