Have a girls day...

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Chapter Two

"Dios te bendiga" Mom calls over from the living room. "You hungry? We can go out to grab a bite to eat together."

"No thanks mami, I ate at Jacob's."

"Oh, okay." She looks hurt but tries to play it off like she's not. "How are the Carters doing?" She asks trying to mask her hurt expression. Way to go you ass. You barely spent time with her since you got back and you make her feel like shit. Over next weekend I'll make it a point to take her out for a girl's day; just me and her.

"Their good."

"Eso es bueno."

"Sí. ¿Donde es Eric y Alec?"

"Their still over at your Tío Rob's house." Good. The twins have been staying over at Tío's house since yesterday also when I came back from school. I wasn't supposed to come back this summer so when I found out I was coming home I decided to keep it from the twins so I could surprise them.

The twins aren't really twins, their two years apart. But when Eric entered middle school with me and Alec everybody thought Eric and Alec were twins, hence the nickname. Eric is 14, a year younger than me, now a freshman this year. He wants to tryout to be a corner-back on varsity, not so hard to imagine being that he's almost as big as Alec, who's huge. So it's perfect really because the twins and everyone else don't know I'm here, Except the Carter's but everyone else won't know until tryouts tomorrow. All this trouble just to make sure I surprise the hell out of the them.

I don't really have a plan as to how to start the conversation about school so I basically just blurt out, "Ma, I kinda need to talk to you. It's really important."

"¿Qué pasó, mi amor?"

Deep Breath. Just tell her.

"I want to transfer schools." I state.

"I don't understand why would you want to do that? I thought you liked it at St.Rosa's Bella."

I try very hard to suppress the urge to roll my eyes or scoff or maybe both. I hate the name Bella, it means beautiful and just reminds me of the creepy old Hispanic perverts that stood outside the bodega across the street from St. Rosa's trying to hit on me. Pendejos.

"No, I don't like it at Rosa's. I mean the experience was great but I just feel really lonely there. I don't belong there." This is truth just slightly exaggerated.

"I Just can't be a way so long again ma, mi familia está aquí mami."

"Oh, mi hija I had no idea." She pulls me into a tight hug. Huh, I honestly didn't think it'd be this easy.

"Mami por favor, don't make me go back there." I sniffle a little, I have to sneeze. Ma takes my sniffle the wrong way because she tells me that it's okay and I don't have to cry. I sniffle again, I can't help it I have to sneeze really bad.

"Shh mi nena, shh."

Mom breaks our embrace to walk me over to the sofa to sit.

"Whats tomorrow? Sunday?" She asks taking my hand in hers.

I shake my head, " Mañana es Saturday". I say unsure.

As I think about it I remember, I came home from school yesterday which was a Thursday, so that means tomorrow is Saturday. So I nod to mama to confirm it.

"Okay tell you what Bella, it's two days till the first day of school. If you still don't want go to St. Rosa's by Sunday night, then we'll go to West Reed High Monday and transfer you there, just think on it mija. " I sniffle, "te quiero mami". Mom smiles. "Te amo mucho mi amor."

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