An Immortal's Anger: Adelda's Indignation

Start from the beginning

But she did not stop there, her momentum was surging and all eyes were on her. This was what she lived for. To be everyone's attention.

She looked up at the screens and shouted, "Peerless! There is no need for Lord Hercules to declare the results of the match, it's obvious I am the winner! If you have the guts to call yourself a man, then come and face me now!"

Her speech caused the crowd to become as quiet as a graveyard. Not only had she bypassed Hercules' authority in front of him, she was even trying to take control of the proceedings.

"She has more cajones than most men."

"She has more cajones than any creature."

"She must be confident that her deities will protect her. I hear that Zeus and Photos are both fighting for Aphrodite's favour. So there is a chance they won't do anything to her and will even protect her. Aphrodite's rallying power is almost unmatched among deities."

"Such logic doesn't apply to Modus the Mad. Numbers are useless against the Dao of Insanity."

"Modus doesn't care about insults, let alone from a mortal. It's not like she said that to his face. He only goes nuts if he is disrespected in person."

The hooded figure in the crowd chuckled, 'She needs to choose her words carefully, Peerless might just take her up on her offer.'

Little did Mercedes and the Hooded figure know that these words had turned a match she was destined to win, into a match she was destined to lose.


On a screen in Will's room, Adelda and others were watching Will's next foe. As they saw what her gorgeous figure had done to the bloodied body underneath and heard what she had said, their anger was at its peak.

Odin looked at Will and spoke grimly, "Boy I give you permission to use ordinary Intent. You understand what this means don't you?"

"It means failure is no longer an option," said Will with a smile.

Odin patted Will's shoulder, "At least you are not a fool. Show her my might. Since she wants to abuse my name in such a manner, she should get beaten by the ' dirty old geezer', wouldn't that be ironic? "

Will nodded with all seriousness, "It's the greatest irony in history."

Odin chuckled, "I don't think I need to worry about this since it's you but don't be lenient due to her charms."

Will nodded with a mischievous grin on his face, "Oh don't worry, and my violence is feminist. I deliver equal opportunity beat downs."

Odin smiled and walked away. He resumed his usual posture of crossing his arms while leaning against the wall.

Will was extremely pleased. He was drained of energy and doubted if he could win the next match. He wouldn't get much time to cultivate.

'But if I can at least use intent to fight, then I can build that thing. If I can pull that off, I can solve my defensive deficiencies and physical issues. Now I have a 50% chance of beating her.'

As Will planned his next moves, Adelda made her way to him with an unusually somber expression. She was usually flat, so Will expected news of an extremely serious nature. It had taken him defeating Ulysses Rijkaard to get a positive emotion to appear on her face. So he expected a matter of equal import to come to light.

'That woman did insult Modus, I guess I have to avenge him as well. Adelda must be fuming. She gives me the impression that she stalks Modus.'

Little did he know how right he was.


"Yes Mam!"

Adelda had spoken his name with an oddly intense tone. Will could not help but perk up and stand straight, like a soldier standing at attention.

'Those yams though. How can anyone look so fine? Where the heck am I supposed to look? Give a brother a break here!'

Adelda bit her lip in what seemed like frustration, for a moment she appeared to be struggling with a decision, but that struggle seemed to only last a moment. She breathed in and resolved herself.

"If you can defeat her in 2 minutes, I will give you my first kiss."

At that moment Will experienced an odd feeling of certainty. Never in his life had he ever felt so assured of victory. The match was his, there was no path of retreat.

Will did not respond to Adelda and instead turned to face screen and shouted, "Prince Hercules I accept her terms. Open up my entrance anytime."

Odin smiled and nodded at the boy's actions. Will turned back to Adelda and shamelessly grabbed her dainty hand. Adelda didn't falter as she kept her gaze firmly fixated in his eyes as if searching for something. And she found it.

"I don't need two, my dear. I only need one."

Solitary Sword Sovereign Part 2Where stories live. Discover now